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P. 73

Sixty square meters that think big,      Starting from breakfast, during the
         with an offer that changes during the day,   whole day colors and tastes tell the story
         in the name of palate delights and con-  of authentic Sicilian kitchen. In the very
         viviality of loyal customers. The care that   central Via Cesarea it is common to see
         Don’Cola offers to the customers conveys   clients waiting in line for having a fragrant
         passion and enthusiasm and celebrates a   croissant, stuffed on the spot. Among the
         tradition that shines also through the uni-  musts, we suggest you to try Bronte’s pis-
         forms, with suspenders and coppola (the   tachio cream and almond cream, or a tasty
         typical Sicilian hat).              alternative to Sicilian cannoli, stuffed with
             Based in Genoa since 2008, Don’Cola   fresh ricotta, and cassata cake. The long
         has recently decided to get renewed   counter, despite of its majestic aspect,
         entrusting the restyling to Costa Group,   lets the products be the real protagonists:
         that combines the freshness of the colors   croissants, cassata, almond paste, cannoli…
         with a pleasant Sicilian atmosphere that   but also freshly baked focaccia (a typical
         arises in the baroque weaves of the walls,   Genoese specialty) for all tastes (you
         enriched by gaudy yellow touches and by   should not miss the one prepared with five
         the counter decorations, whose austerity   grain cereal flour).
         is minimized by the stripes on the floor.
             The place of honor is obviously re-
         served to the products: from the preserves
         behind the counter, to the wines exposed
         in the hanging crates and frutta di Mar-
         torana (typical Sicilian marzipan sweets),
         a Sicilian masterpiece of taste.

                                                 At lunchtime Don’Cola changes its   by Costa Group, and designed by the Swiss
                                             aspect: the tables redouble and the coun-  company PHI-IHP SAGL) based on the
                                             ter shows the dishes prepared during the   celebration of typical street food, with
                                             morning, like arancini di riso. In the after-  a reassessment based on excellence and
                                             noon the place is the ideal set for a coffee   sustainability both from the point of view
                                             break or a tasty snack, and then another   of nutritional aspects (the dishes are pre-
                                             change leads to the happy hour, with a   pared with variations of “fried-not-fried”,
                                             selection of regional products, cheeses and   gluten free, lactose free, vegetarian and
                                             cold cuts, special olives, cucunci, preserves   vegan products) and of the attention paid
                                             and marinated vegetables, protected by   to the selection of the products, to their
                                             Slow Food association, and a fine selec-  preparation and to their environmental
                                             tion of Sicilian wines and international   and social impact, with a dynamic ap-
                                             cocktails, originally prepared and served.  proach to food, inviting the customers to
                                                 Every tasting selection is accompa-  walk, to run, to cycle and to discover the
                                             nied by a postcard, representing a stylized   pleasure of living the city enjoying the
                                             Sicily and indicating the origin of every   taste of hot and fragrant specialties.
                                             product, for a conscious sampling.
                                                 Di Marco brothers’ initiative gives
                                             life to another project in Via Palmaria, just
                                             a few steps from Via Cesarea, next to the   Don’ Cola, via Cesarea 33R-T 010
                                             famous Mercato Orientale (Oriental Mar-  5955648- e-mail:
                                             ket). It is an innovative concept, applied to   web:
                                             the most traditional gastronomic format of   To>>>Go-P-assaggi di Gusto,
                                             ancient Genoa: the fried-food shop.   via Palmaria 31R-T 010 553702-e-mail:
                                                 To>>>Go - P-assaggi di Gusto is the
                                             name of the new location (manufactured   Study, design and project:    ,
                                                                                   Paolo Torpia
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