Page 79 - #45 English
P. 79

More Schools: Gelato University for      Gelato Museums: One of the mu-     Whilst the world is debating on the
         example, is a school in Anzola dell’Emilia,   seums is located in the Carpigiani head-  differences between ice cream and gelato,
         near Bologna, Italy. It was set up by ice   quarters at Anzola dell’Emilia, Italy. The   here is what was defined after conversing
         cream machine maker Carpigiani in 2003,   museum is a center of cultural excellence   with many gelato artisans. Gelato in Ital-
         with the aim of teaching students from   dedicated to the understanding of the his-  ian means “frozen”, but it is basically used
         around the world how to make Gelato.   tory, culture, and technology of gelato and   to indicate the Italian type of ice cream.
         The Carpigiani Gelato University attracts   the expertise of the innovators who drove   Gelato is often mistakenly defined as the
         thousands of people from diverse coun-  its evolution over the centuries. From its   Italian word for ice cream. The main dif-
         tries interested in perfecting their gelato   origins to today, the museum features   ferences is Gelato is denser than ice cream
         making skills or to learn the basics of ge-  an interactive tour that highlights three   due to its lower air content, which means a
         lato and enabling graduates to open their   principal themes regarding gelato: the   scoop of gelato would weigh more than the
         own Gelateria every year.           evolution of gelato over time, the history   equivalent size scoop of ice cream. Despite
                                             of production technology, and the places   their similarities, gelato and ice cream ac-
                                             and ways it is consumed.           tually have a different composition and nu-
                                                                                tritional value. Gelato is more creamy and
                                                                                dense than ice cream and is often lower in
                                                                                calories, fat and sugar, as claimed. Decid-
                                                                                ing which one is the healthiest option for
                                                                                you depends on your personal preference.
                                                                                However, if gelato is really lower in fat
                                                                                contents, then gelato is a healthier choice!
                                                                                Plus, if you are really concerned about
                                                                                calories and sugar over deliciousness, so
                                                                                “NO” to toppings or sauces on your gelato!
                                                                                     To Conclude: While Italy cannot
                                                                                take acclaim for rightly inventing ice
                                                                                cream, it has debatably done more for the
                                                                                advancement of iced desserts than any
                                                                                other countries. It was in Italy that the
                                                                                ancestors of ice cream and gelato expanded
                                                                                more than just a local treats. Today, Gelato
                                                                                stores are opening all over the world as
                                                                                consumers start to appreciate the superior
                                                                                quality and a more intense flavor of ge-
             More Competitions: The Gelato                                      lato. Furthermore, the natural ingredients
         World Cup, sixteen gelato artisans are      More Events: The Gelato World   and the nutritional value of gelato add its
         selected for each stage and they compete   Tour mission is to spread the culture of   premium over other frozen desserts giv-
         with handmade gelato flavors that combine   Italian style gelato, a fresh artisan food   ing gelato a greater chance in expansion.
         tradition with innovation, competing to   product, to the gelato lovers throughout   Though gelato is making its fame through-
         convey the taste of the best ingredients.   the world. Their slogan is: Learn the art,   out Europe, it is simultaneously escalating
         Each team is required to present a buffet   Taste the flavors, Vote for your favorite.   in appreciation all over the world.
         consisting of a mini chocolate gelato, a   Gelato World Tour is open to the public,
         chocolate sculpture, an ice sculpture, a   with free entry. You can participate in free
         decorated cup, a gelato cake, a mystery   gelato demonstrations to learn about the
         box cone. It is an incredible opportunity   culture of gelato, the difference between
         to make participants known to the public   gelato and ice cream, and meet the best
         and promote their handicrafts skills. The   gelato artisans!
         final standings are judged according to the
         votes of the public and of technical juries.
         The top three winners will compete at the
         Grand Finale of the Gelato World Tour, for
         the title of World´s Best Gelato.

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