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World News
New flavors tea from PG Tips
PG Tips has expanded the range of fruit, herbal
and green teas with four new flavors, including Vibrant
Blackcurrant, Crisp Mint, Zesty Lemon & Ginger and
Delicious Cranberry & Apple. Although these new
products have recently been launched, they have al-
ready received good feedbacks as the sales continue to
grow and some flavors, including Delicious Cranberry
& Apple and Vibrant Blackcurrant, have ready secured a
Great Taste Award. The packages have been designed to
highlight key flavor cues
and the PG Tips pyramid
technology, making them
stand out more on the
shelf. The new flavors aim
to build on the successful Impressive new design Haagen-Dazs
growth of 2014, while the store
company also attempts to A 30-year-old Häagen-Dazs store in Bronxville,
offer the fresh flavorful New York, has recently been renovated with modern and
tastes at affordable prices. classic design. Häagen-Dazs Shoppe Company aims to
provide an exceptional experience for Häagen-Dazs cus-
tomers while holding on to the artisan roots. In addition
to the new shop design, Häagen-Dazs have simplified the
Fridge - Coffee brewer combo ordering process, created a tasting station to distribute
General Electric Company is about to launch a new new flavor samples, and minimized the ordering pres-
fridge-coffee brewer combo, a refrigerator that can brew sure, to make the customer experience more enjoyable
coffee and prepare steaming water for soups and oatmeal. and comfortable. Häagen-Dazs hopes that the customers
Together with Keurig, they have developed the multifunc- will, as a result, stay in the shop longer as the research
tional refrigerator that looks has shown that when the customers find their time in
like a standard bottom-freezer the stores impressive, they tend to buy more ice-cream
model, with a filtered-water dis- at the grocery stores, which will help increase the total
penser on the left door. To oper- sales. Häagen-Dazs plans to open 12 stores which will
ate the machine, you only have be modeled after the Bronxville location in 2015.
to plug a capsule of coffee or tea
into a plastic holder, press the
button and wait for the brewing
process. What makes it more
special is that you can connect
to wi-fi network and preset the
brew time from your mobile de-
vice! This fridge-coffee brewer
is expected to be available in fall.
Coffee as sunscreen
In addition to a layer of sun-
screen on your skin, drinking coffee
may also help protect you from one Brownie Ice cream from Blue Bell
of the most common types of skin Blue Bell is introducing its latest ice-cream flavor,
cancer, called cutaneous melanoma. Marbled Cream Cheese Brownie. This new flavor is a com-
The study published in the Journal of the National Can- bination of milk chocolate ice-cream and cream cheese
cer Institute has revealed that coffee can reduce the ice-cream with everyone’s favorite dessert, chocolate
oxidative-stress attributable to UVB exposure to the brownies, and a thick chocolate sundae sauce swirl. The
skin’s epidermal tissue. In addition, it also provides many two tasty ice-cream flavors together will create the same
cellular benefits, such as decreasing inflammation and flavor as the traditional cream cheese brownie dessert.
protecting against DNA mutations caused by ultraviolet Marbled Cream Cheese Brownie is Blue Bell’s first new
rays. The research result has indicated that those who flavor of 2015 and more new flavors, including two ad-
drink 4 cups of coffee per day are 20% less likely to de- ditional brownie-inspired flavors, Hot Fudge Brownie and
velop melanoma than those who do not routinely drink Rockslide Brownie, will be available later this year. Stay
coffee. tuned!