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                    World Coffee Events Intro-                     Barista & Farmer Honduras
                    duces a New Specialty                          Participants Announced

                    Coffee Symposium in Go-

                    thenburg, Sweden

                        World Coffee Events (WCE), an event management
                    organization founded by the Specialty Coffee Association
                    of Europe (SCAE) and the Specialty Coffee Association
                    of America (SCAA) has introduced a new event, Re:co
                    Symposium, coming to Europe in 2015. This event will be
                    held in Gothenburg, Sweden on the 15th and 16th of June
                                                                        “Barista & Farmer”, the first and only talent show
                    at Eriksbergshallen in conjunction with Nordic World of     dedicated to the promotion and culture of quality coffee,
                    Coffee 2015. Re:co (Regarding: coffee) is a unique, new   just announced the winner at the world's most important
                    symposium designed for high-level discussion, leading   gelato event, SIGEP in Rimini, Italy.
                    innovation and strategy development for those passionate      The baristas selected for the new edition are: Bog-
                    and influential in the world of specialty coffee.   dan Prokopchuk (Russia), Julien Latin (France), Agustina
                        Through a mixture of speakers, interactive experi-  Romàn (Argentina), Angelica Madrigal Garcia (Colom-
                    ences, and opportunities for conversation, Re:co will look   bia), Deborah Cesanelli (Italy), Sandro Bonacchi (Italy),
                    primarily at the new specialty coffee market in Europe.   Patrick Sinapi (Italy), Stephany Dávila (Guatemala),
                    The event will have a wider scope on the state of the mar-  Panuwat Yoosakda (Thailand), and Julian Dammanhayn
                    ket, the challenges we face and some of the solutions the   (Australia).
                    coffee industry has. Re:co will shine a light on opportuni-     10 selected baristas will participate from 1st to 10th
                    ties for growth and development, and will delve into how   February in Honduras plantations to experience the liv-
                    these can be approached.                       ing as coffee producers in the country of origin.They was
                        According to James Hoffmann, the host and direc-  covered 24 hours a day by video cameras the footage was
                    tor of content for this year’s Re:co Gothenburg Program,   aired on A documentary will be
                    “When you combine stimulating or inspiring talks with   made of this edition, showing a new way to conceive the
                    a room full of people, who are passionate and active in   coffee world, with the intent of spreading this increasingly
                    the industry, then I think you have a great environment   global culture.
                    for gaining understanding and an overview of the wider
                    industry. You can see opportunities for effective collabora-
                    tion, for innovation, for exploration. You get a better idea
                    of both where you want to go, as an individual or a busi-
                    ness, and how that could be possible. This is invaluable.”
                        Re:co is for those coffee professionals looking to
                    gain insights, as well as those who wish to be challenged
                    and inspired by their industry. It is an essential event for
                    leaders of businesses who believe that collaborative work
                    and discussion can benefit all involved.
                        To find out more about Re:co, please visit

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