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World News

                    GROM Acquired by Unilever                      Ben & Jerry’s Japan-Exclusive Flavor: Lemont. Fuji
                         Although Unilever is already the world’s biggest ice      It is time for Japan to have its Ben & Jerry’s signa-
                    cream manufacturer, it never seems to stop strengthening   ture flavor and it is called Lemont. Fuji. Its name is derived
                    its premium ice cream portfolio. Recently, the company   from the words “lemon” and “Mt. Fuji” and the ice cream
                    has purchased the premium Italian gelato GROM to capital-  itself is made from Japan-sourced premium ingredients.
                    ize on the market growth of the premium gelato market.   The highlight is that the lemons used in the making of
                    GROM’s gelato is famous for its premium ingredients from   this lemon ice cream are grown on Setouchi islands in
                    its own organic farm Mura Mura and 100% natural flavors   the Seto Inland Sea of Hiroshima Prefecture. In addition,
                    and colors. Unilever has assured that GROM’s long-time   considering its name, Mt. Fuji does not only refer to the
                    customers will continue to be served with the same tasty   famous Fuji Mountain but
                    flavors at over 60 existing GROM stores around the world   also Fuji apples from Fuji-
                    that have been opened since 2003. Under the new own-  saki in Aomori Prefecture;
                    ership, each store will be                     therefore, pieces of Fuji
                    operated as a standalone                       apples are distributed in
                    unit, while GROM found-                        ideal proportion through-
                    ers Guido Martinetti and                       out the ice cream. This ex-
                    Federico Grom will still                       clusive lemon flavored ice
                    be managing the business                       cream comes with chunks
                    from its headquarters in                       of cinnamon cookies. Lem-
                    Turin. After the acquisi-                      ont. Fuji was launched on
                    tion, GROM will be intro-                      September 12, 2015, and
                    duced to new markets to                        you can now order it at all
                    promote its growth.                            Ben & Jerry stores across
                    Nescafé 360°
                         This is the first time for coffee consumers to gain   Peet’s Coffee & Tea Acquires Stumptown
                    a fully immersive virtual reality experience! Launched on   Coffee Roasters
                    November 29, 2015, Nescafé 360° is a mobile application      Peet’s Coffee & Tea is taking another impor-
                    that allows all coffee lovers to directly experience a coffee   tant step in the premium coffee market by buying a
                    plantation in Brazil as coffee cherries are being harvested   high-end specialty coffee company Stumptown Coffee
                    through the stereoscopic image through Google’s virtual   Roasters. After the acquisition, Peet’s Coffee & Tea
                    reality viewer, called Google Cardboard. As the viewers turn   will have a full ownership of Stumptown; however,
                    around, the 3D videos will make them feel as if they were   both coffee brands will continue to run independently
                    standing in the midst of the coffee farm. With Nescafé 360°,   without selling the products of one another to main-
                    consumers can see how Nescafé helps its supplier farmers   tain the uniqueness of each brand. The changes in the
                                             offer better quality coffee,   stores are likely to go unnoticed by regular customers.
                                             higher yields and higher   By acquiring Stumptown, JAB Holdings Company, the
                                             income  as  consumers                                                        majority owner of Peet’s Coffee & Tea, expects further
                                             today are becoming more   growth of both brands in this increasingly competitive
                                             mindful of sustainable   premium coffee market.

                    World’s First 100% Compostable Pods: PurPod100 by Club Coffee
                         In collaboration with the Bioproducts Discovery and Development Centre at the University of Guelph,
                    Club Coffee has developed PurPod100 that is industrially compostable, namely that it can be fully break down in
                    commercial composting processes. Recently, the PurPod100 was certified by the Biodegradable Products Institute
                    (BPI) as it had been tested in approved independent laboratories and independently verified according to ASTM
                    D6400 and D6868s standards. As a result, Club Coffee’s PurPod100, which is made of plant-based resins and leftover
                    coffee bean skin from the roasting process, is the world’s
                    first certified 100% compostable single-serve pod for cof-
                    fee, tea and other hot beverages. The invention is due to
                    the concerns of consumers over the increasing amounts
                    of waste generated by traditional single-serve pods. As the
                    PurPod100 can be used with most K-Cup brewing systems,
                    consumers now have a perfect pod that they can use to
                    brew the hot beverages and help protect the world at the
                    same time.

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