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                    “M2M Coffee Link” for real-time communication between the
                    coffee machine and a central management system

                           With the telemetry solution “M2M Coffee Link”   lection of data. This allows users to react quickly and in
                    for real-time communication between the coffee machine   advance of major issues arising,” says Product Manager
                    and a central management system, the long-established   Ina Vogelgesang. For example, detailed sales data allows
                    Swiss coffee machine manufacturer, Schaerer, has once   better monitoring and transparency of accounting mat-
                    again demonstrated its pioneering approach and innova-  ters across one or more locations. Information on filling
                    tive power. Rather than rely on standard solutions from   levels and consumption can be used to optimise product
                    third-party providers, Schaerer collaborated with strong   supply, preventing downtime and decreases in sales in
                    partners to develop its own telemetry solution, thereby   coffee machines operated in self-service mode. In terms
                    increasing its own in-house expertise. Compared to   of regular maintenance, “M2M Coffee Link” enables use-
                    standard solutions, the new development offers con-  based planning of maintenance intervals, meaning that
                    siderable advantages to customers and service partners:   coffee machines are maintained based on their use levels
                    “M2M Coffee Link” and Schaerer coffee machines work   and not on a fixed time interval. This reduces mainte-
                    together perfectly. The telemetry solution is designed   nance costs while also protecting against malfunctions.
                    precisely to the software of these fully automatic coffee   Using data transmitted to show the current state of the
                    machines and thus quickly supplies reliable data. The   coffee machine, service providers can respond to mal-
                    software connection gives restaurant owners, operators   functions promptly.
                    and service providers new options for efficiently moni-
                    toring, controlling and optimising business-related and
                    service-related processes. “Restaurant owners, opera-
                    tors of international chains and service providers will all
                    profit greatly from the use and analysis of telemetry data.
                    “M2M Coffee Link” enables the continuous remote col-  For more information, please visit

                    Monin Coffee Creativity Cup 2015
                    Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

                           For the 2nd time around in Malaysia, MONIN,
                    the leader in aromatisation of coffee drinks, proudly
                    organised MONIN Coffee Creativity Cup 2015 in associa-
                    tion with Dankoff Coffee Specialist!
                           A total of 16 contestants - 4 students and 12
                    professionals from the F&B industry competed in Dankoff
                    Coffee Specialist’s studio in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on
                    26th August, Wednesday.

                                                                          In order to become the ‘Most Creative Barista
                                                                   of Malaysia 2015’, contestants were required to create
                                                                   a recipe based on one espresso shot with at least 10 ml
                                                                   MONIN products.
                                                                          They all impressed the panel of judges that con-
                                                                   sisted of both very experienced bartenders and baristas:
                                                                   4 certified baristas (Victor Leong, Wataru Inagaki, Ye
                                                                   Man and Chiam Tow Jin), 4 well known bartenders (Kho
                                                                   Chee Keong, Jason Soon, Juno Yong and Karl Too).
                                                                          This time around, Ivy Kam, a Food Blogger
                                                                   ( and Karen Khoo from CAFFA were in-
                                                                   vited to join the panel of judges as Bonus Judge allocating
                                                                   extra points based on taste and creativity
                                                                          Throughout the day in a room filled with beau-
                                                                   tiful coffee aroma, contestants brew, poured and mixed
                                                                   their hearts out in front of an audience of professionals
                                                                   from the coffee scene.
                                                                          Thanks to everyone’s support and participation,
                                                                   the competition was a terrific success and lets all look
                                                                   forward to MONIN Coffee Creativity Cup 2017!
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