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industry in terms of education? become more of an art than a need. For A word of advise for the inspiring females
From a coffee educational point of our industry to continue growing, we in the industry?
view, I truly believe that we should not need people to need coffee and in order Be nice. Just keep working hard and
use our coffee training to give us the right to do that, we have to stop turning people
to become ‘snobs’. We get so caught up away from our specialty cafes with our don’t take anything personally. Enjoy the
in the theory, tasting notes, brew ratios, snobbery. Other wise they’ll all just go coffee and enjoy the people because the
latte art, specialty, pre-infusion, and all back to that chain where the baristas are stories that you observe and are part of
the various opinions that coffee has nice. are some of the best ever.
Mel Leu Zhen Nan
Wanderlust - Head Barista
Malaysia Barista Championship 2016 - 3 Runner Up
Do you think that there needs to be more the preparation time, I’ve been looking
female professionals in the industry and for something that could surprise me,
why? something that I really want to share with
Yes, I do think that there needs everybody in my own way.
to be more female professionals in the I used to think that a good coffee
industry to create a different vibe in the is everything, but eventually I realized
industry. I believe we convey a different that a person’s personality and mentality
perspective of coffee due to our sensitive are the key in Barista Championship.
nature, and could possibly fill the void To me, joining Barista Competition is not
that male baristas are unable to. Besides, just about being the champion or
being a rose among all the thorns would winning, but to achieve something higher
definitely create an excitement in a male- and reaching somewhere i’ve never been
dominated industry. to. The biggest competitor is always
yourself. It’s a very good reason for me
However, gender difference should to keep challenging myself to be better
not stop us for being who we want to be. and stronger.
As a seasoned participant in the competi- Tell us your best experience as a barista.
tions, what do you think needs to improve
or how do you think female competitors As a barista, my best experience
are able to improve to be able to take it hands down is going to the coffee farm
a step further? and meeting the farmers. It is a collective
effort to bring the coffee to the table and
I’ve always liked to compare fashion I am fortunate to witness and experience
shows as an example in barista cham- the hardwork behind it. This had allowed
pionships. What we usually witness on me to share the stories with my customers
Tell us a little bit on how you first began the T-stage of a fashion show are the most
your journey in coffee and how long crazy and unrealistic ideas that might not and I truly enjoyed seeing the twinkle
you’ve been in the industry? be practical in daily life, but it definitely in their eyes as our journey as a barista
to bring an excellent cup to them finally
I was a Film Producer and Assistant gives us a new perspective of how we see make sense.
Director before becoming a full time things. Same goes to championships, it
barista 2 years ago. I started my coffee doesn’t have to be realistic or practical, I love to see my customer’s expres-
journey by joining Battle of Barista but it allows us to be more open-minded sion when they tasted a good cup of
Championship 2014, from a new learning to anything new and delicious! coffee and tell me “I’ve never tasted a
barista to a competition ready barista coffee like this!’.
within 2 months. That was a really great In this sense, I believe different A word of advise for the future generation
opportunity and was definitely an eye individuals are able to open our eyes to of baristas in the industry?
opener for me to understand and learn so different perspectives and see coffee
much about coffee, especially the coffee differently. Stay hungry but not starving. Put
cycle behind the cup served. your mind, heart and soul into every-
What does it take to be a competitor in thing.
I don’t really have a romantic story championships?
of how i fell in love with coffee. I was People will notice even the smallest
purely seeking for a challenge while being To have faith and never give up. act of kindest and always remember why
in between jobs and by stroke of fate, This year MBC 2016 was the 4 th you started.
I first joined my maiden competition competition routine that I’ve been work-
with the help of friends, who by now I can ing on together with my great team, and
proudly call, my team. it’s been the toughest one for me. During