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Speciality coffee market. ture does not seem to be bright and In conclusion, James Hoffmann gave
optimistic, in his opinion, special- us a really useful advise: coffee industry
After a short break everyone ity coffee market is oversupplied will grow and develop only when we
started discussing a second topic, with limited consumers’ capacity will have clear and realistic views of
speciality coffee market. The talk and at the same time, the produc- it, but for now we have a lot of difficul-
started with the close look at Lon- tion of the high quality coffee is ties. Saying all of it with a warm and
don’s coffee market, where Hoff- also reduced. It seems like both, sunny smile on his face, Hoffmann still
mann’s head office is. According buyers and sellers, lack resources inspired us with his love for coffee.
to Hoffmann, London can be seen and it worries everyone.
as a benchmark for high quality Hoffmann believes that in
coffee market, like a canary in a recent years coffee industry has
coalmine. been facing some serious difficul-
James Hoffmann thinks that ties: not only rent prices rised and
now in London only “1000 fans” competition got harder, but also
theory will help coffee shops, it some plant diseases have created
means that every newly opened some real problems. Let’s take El
coffee house needs 1000 real fans Salvador as an example: in 2000
to continue its existence. How- annual coffee production in El
ever, London coffee shops’ growth Salvador was 2 million bags, and
has far exceeded the existing num- the reason that took away 75% of
ber of customers groups, and this the harvest is a rampant leaf rust.
situation created a severe competi- In addition, due to the lower profit
tion. Just like in London, inspired some farmers started abandon-
by those pioneers’ success, many ing their coffee in favor of more
high quality coffee houses have profitable kind of plants, creating
rapidly appeared in many cities a vicious circle.
around the world. Unfortunately, Someone in the audience also
many people started doing coffee asked if James Hoffmann could ised readers to develop and im-
business blindly, which led them continue writing his “The World prove maps in the book. And we
to become bankrupts and which Atlas of Coffee” and release a new are looking forward to see China’s
confused the whole industry. Ap- book. The author gave negative Yunnan region in “The World At-
parently, for Hoffmann coffee fu- answer, but at the same time prom- las of Coffee” maps.
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