Page 82 - #56 English
P. 82

Calendar    CTI Class

             Story/ Matthew Perger
                                                                          Medium Scale Roasters

                                                                              Serving mostly specialty focused custom-
                                                                          ers: Intelligentsia, Blue Bottle, Sensory Lab.
                                                                              Medium scale roasters will generally
                                                                          create blends that are as consistent as possible
                                                                          without sacrificing the “voice” of the compo-
                                                                          nents or seasonality. This means they might
                                                                          choose 2-4 countries for a blend and stick to
                                                                          them throughout the year. If they’re smart,
                                                                          those countries will have two crops per year,
                   MATT                                                   or a widely dispersed crop time. This means
                             TO BLEND OR                                  the blend can contain fresh coffee all year
                                                                          round without changing flavour too drasti-
                                                                          cally. It also provides them with some wiggle
                                        TO BLEND
                              N ot                                        room to adjust the blend ratios without losing
                                                                          transparency of flavour. For example, at Sen-
                                                                          sory Lab and St Ali, we have a blend called
                                                                          Steadfast that is always Brazilian and Colom-
                                                                          bian. We utilise the main and fly crops of
                                                                          Colombia and the varied harvest times of
                                                                          Brazil to keep it incredibly consistent.
                   For a very long time “coffee” was a blend by default. Some busi-
               nesses have their own namesake as a blend, many larger businesses have   Small Scale Roasters
               consistent year-round blends, and more recently, specialty businesses
               have been favouring the seasonal blend.                        Almost definitely serving specialty
                   Blends are shrouded in mystery by many roasters. It’s dark art,   customers: Heart Coffee, Square Mile, Mar-
               practised by legendary roast masters who claim it cannot be taught. They   ket Lane Coffee.
               keep the percentages a secret, and some don’t even write the recipe down   Small scale roasters will, nearly by de-
               lest it be copied! I find this pretty ridiculous and frankly, masturbatory.   fault, create blends that are quite variable and
               Many roasters can’t roast coffee with perfect consistency week to week.   seasonal. A great number of Specialty roasters
               This makes the thought of copying a blend well enough to be a commer-  name their mainstay blend the “Seasonal
               cial threat rather farfetched.                             Blend” and others will have an offering that
                   There’s a few reasons why a coffee company will make a blend.   includes a consistent blend, as above, along-
               Usually, it’s correlated to the size of the business; the economies of scale   side a seasonal blend that’s more variable. This
               it affords and the consistency at volume it demands. I do acknowledge   rapidly changing blend happens for a few
               that some companies sit between or across some of the categories below.   reasons depending on the business.
               Just take this as a general guide to the economies of their main blend   Some will explain that coffee is inher-
               rather than the business as a whole.
                                                                          ently seasonal and that they want to celebrate
                                                                          that by offering a constantly changing blend
               Large Scale Roasters                                       according to what’s the freshest. This is the
                                                                          best-case scenario. Others are just bowing to
                   Probably not focused on serving high grade specialty customers:   the pressure of small-volume coffee buying.
               Illy, Starbucks.                                           Without many economies of scale or a strong
                   Large scale roasters need a consistent product in gargantuan vol-  cash flow, it’s in one’s favour to buy a lot of
               umes. To keep some semblance of consistency, they buy a constant stream   smaller lots more regularly (not to mention
               of many coffee and blend them together to mitigate change. Seasonality   that the highest quality coffee almost always
               is less of a concern because there are enough coffee and flexibility in the   comes in small lots anyway). Buying a con-
               blend to buffer any seasonal changes in flavour. The downside of this   tainer of Brazil would sink many a small
               method is the lack of transparency and character displayed by the blend   roaster, so the oft-changing blend is some-
               components. To be honest, in a blend of 8 components, it really doesn’t   times preferred.
               matter how floral that Yirgacheffe is.                         A constantly changing seasonal blend is
                   That said, it’s truly incredible just how consistent some of these blends   great, but makes for an inconsistent product.
               are. The logistical and commercial demands placed upon the professionals   Some might think of the constantly changing
               developing them are mind boggling, and my hat goes off to them.  Seasonal Blend as a carefully crafted experi-

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