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             Special Report

                        Climate change is ringing alarm bells: are coffee production areas in danger?

                   Today climate still plays a tremendous role in coffee industry, as SCAA (Specialty Coffee Association of
               America) stated in their latest report “The blueprint for coffee in a changing climate''; and according to IPCC
               (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) forecast,  greenhouse gas growth will lead global temperature to
               increase approx. +0.5-8.7 ℃.  Global warming can also make the weather more extreme, provoking storms, floods
               and droughts. Coffee as one of the crops, needs to be cultivated in an average annual temperature of 18-21 ℃, too
               high or too low temperatures can extremely harm coffee plants.  That is how IPCC state that according to current
               climate change speed,  cultivated coffee territories will shrink up to 50%, and by 2050, most of those amazing
               coffee plantation will not be able to continue growing coffee.
                   Earlier this year Australian Sydney Institute of Climate Studies published latest academic report, pointing out
               that, if global warming continues in the current trajectory, wild coffee beans may be extinct in Sydney by 2080.

               Can Arabica become extinct?

                   During recent 56 years annual coffee produc-    Leaf rust is the biggest danger to the coffee
               tion grew 3 times and demand grows 5% every year.   plants and because market demands faster growth,
               Such a rapid growth was possible only thanks to 2   many farmers choose not to grow coffee in shade
               500 000 coffee farmers, 80%-90% of whom are small   anymore.  And as it happened in Mexico and Central
               business owners; and for them climate change in cof-  America, that is exactly the main reason of leaf rust
               fee belt is crucial.                            spreading there, it has already affected coffee trees
                   Unlike strong Robusta, Arabica is very sensitive   from Mexico to Peru.
               to changes. Almost all of produced Arabica beans
               come from Ethiopian mountains, this limits its ge-
               netic diversity, making it very vulnerable to climate
               change. For example, temperature raise in Mexico
               brought severe rains, which can even lead to storms
               and having no harvest. Mexico is not an exception,
               in other dry places coffee cherries also face some
               serious troubles. Climate in Central Africa gets hot-
               ter and hotter, so the plant flowers fall too early, and
               even if not, very often cherries themselves grow dry
               and small. And the saddest part is that coffee natu-
               ral enemies are better adapted to hot temperatures,
               what includes leaves rust.

                                                                                      Climate change will af-
                                                                                  fect every step in producing
                 2013-2015             Production impact              Working places reduction          Total damage
                                                                                  coffee.  Because of having
                                                                                  too many uncertain risks,
                 El Salvador     ↓378,000 bags         45,000                                Export income↓20%
                                                                                  farmers and coffee com-
                                                                                  panies have to spend more
                 Honduras       ↓1,300,000 bags      50,000                                 Export income ↓45%
                                                                                  money  to  control  the  qual-
                 Guatemala     ↓583,000 bags        71,000                                Export income ↓42%  ity of coffee, including lo-
                                                                                  gistics, which will be also
                 Nicaragua       ↓475,000 bags        64,000                                Export income ↓33%  affected by global warming.
                                                                                  And as a result of higher
                 Costa Rica       ↓71,000 bags          25,000                  Export income ↓28%  price for beans, the cup of
                                                                                  coffee will also be more ex-

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