Page 86 - #60 English
P. 86

c    Origin

                 Closer look at

                 coffee chain at

                 the origin



                 Who .

                         When I first arrived           The Producer
                    in Europe, I have to admit,
                    that even for me that had a         As it is stated, and very clearly, the producer is the one actually
                      history in coffee, it was    producing the coffee. A producer is the face behind your coffee, the alpha.
                     not completely clear how      Being the coffee treated for decades as a mere commodity, the producer,
                          did the coffee chain     was among the most forgotten actors. Except for big leaflets explaining
                        worked and role we as      soap operas of charity with hat, machete & mustache included. A pro-
                      consumers play in it. So     ducer, is a grower. A grower of cherries. They can or not have the capac-
                          who are the people       ity of processing those cherries. In any case, the producer or the person
                        involved in the coffee     processing the cherry in case is not him/her, is what we call a miller.
                       chain and how do they
                       influence it? Let’s start   2    The Wet Miller
                          from the beginning.
                      inventory management,              A miller can do wet, or dry milling. The wet miller, would receive
                    offer coffee subscriptions.    the cherry, and process it in order to obtain a parchment. They can pro-
                                                   cess by any of the different processing methods known: washed, natural
                                                   & intermediate (honey, for example) ones. Their final result, would be
                                                   the parchment/dried cherry.

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