Page 88 - #60 English
P. 88
c Origin
In big lines, this is how the cof-
fee chain works nowadays, until the
FOB (Free on Board, when the coffee
gets in a boat looking for its final
destination). Probably nothing new
for many, but certainly, nothing that
we could now hide or erase, thanks
to all the traceability we have built.
Buying coffee
Money transaction pri- Money transaction with 5 Customers’ Respon-
marily with cooperative farmer sibility
exceptional race coffees of
specialty coffee that can COFFEE CUSTOMER In view of the expertise
vary in taste from average limited lot sizes,and sublime and hard work involved in coffee
tasting experience
to great farming, we believe that all farm-
ers should be justly rewarded -
after all, coffee growing is as
much as an art as coffee appre-
ciation. Direct Trade allows us
to justly reward farmers that
work everyday, through rain and
The cooperative handles LOCAL ROASTERS Direct money exchange shine, all to painstakingly grow
the coffee beans that make their
The money transaction
way into our daily cups of joe.
Before you ask what’s the differ-
ence between the popularized
Fair Trade practice and Direct
Trade, here’s an infograph ex-
cooperative community
costs portion large % to plaining the discrepancies aptly
smaller % to farmer
and succinctly.
The cooperative has up to TRADE Collaborative relationship What is Direct Trade?
thousands of farmers with independent farmer
To put it simply, Direct
Trade is the process of buying
beans directly from the farms
●not insulated against in- and cooperatives that grow them,
creased coffee commodity removing the need for brokers
prices ●farmers have little to ●roaster helps needs of farm- and organizations that control
no direct feedback of quality FARMERS er ●farmer eligible for bo- certifications (e.g. Fair Trade,
●farmers have little to no nuses and rewards per roast-
contact with local roasters er ●improved coffee quality Rainforest Alliance etc).This
entails a closer relationship be-
tween the buyers and growers
themselves, assurance that the
beans are in fact specialty-grade,
sustainably-grown, and ethically
produced. This fosters a collab-
coffee quality combined COFFEE CHERRIES coffee quality controlled orative and mutually beneficial