Page 84 - #60 English
P. 84

c    Origin

                                                                                        For example, one farm
                                                                                        I know started selling
                                                                                        their coffee years ago
                                                                                   and one green buyer really be-
                                                                                   lieved in them, supporting their
                                                                                   farm every year even though he
                                                                                   didn’t buy all of their coffee.
                                                                                   When a bigger company came in
                  When you have a great, mutually respectful relationship like this, you   a few years later and said they
              build trust. When there is trust in a relationship a coffee seller may be more   wanted to buy all of his coffee
              willing to give you the first chance of buying an exclusive lot of coffee, give   that year at a higher price, the
              more flexible terms for payment over time, or support your business in   farmer said “No”. Because the
              other  useful  ways. When  you  work  on  these  relationships  even  a  small   smaller buyer had supported the
              amount, you will also be able to get great coffee year after year because the   farmer year after year, his rela-
              seller work harder to deliver the coffee you want in order to maintain their   tionship was more valuable than
              relationship with you. Something to remember is that in the coffee trading   a big one time sale.
              business, a verbal commitment is usually considered a contract. It should be
              backed up with a written contract, but many people will expect you to buy
              what you originally said you will buy.                               Lastly, I want to point out that
                  Other benefits of relationships are access to origin trips, coffee farm   the global Specialty Coffee industry
              visits, and other learning opportunities. You may be able to buy a ticket to   is relatively small. Many importers,
              an origin country on your own, but without the support of others your access   exporters, buyers, and sellers know
              to high quality coffee farms, direct buying options, or hands on farm learn-  each other well and chat at various
              ing is severely limited. The farm story is fascinating on its own, but the true   events through the year. It is impor-
              value is visiting a farm that you buy coffee from. You can learn about that   tant for you to know that breaking
              farmer’s methods, and begin to understand why their coffee may taste dif-  your commitments, overestimating
              ferent from other farms around them. At the same time, you can begin build-  what you will buy, or canceling part
              ing relationships directly with a specific farmer, which could also lead to   of a purchase can make a bad name
              exclusive buying in the future.                                  for yourself. In fact, if an error is se-

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