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However, roasting also does not measure enough, been the most important technology for roasters. Roast-
environment plays a big part in a final product, for ex- ing coffee has a painful absence of technology - vintage
ample, a place where green coffee is stored might also equipment remains popular, essentially technology in
influence the final drink. Being able to monitor this with roasting has barely evolved for 60 years. Cropster has
accurate measurements and data, we will be able to achieve given people more control and understanding of the
more consistent results, regardless of weather conditions, roasting process - though probably also h ighligh t -
gas flows and pressure. We will better understand how e d t h e a b s e n ce of new technology in this part
and what to work with, and how we can change different of the industry.”
variables in order to get the best product possible.
Here we can also take Cropster as an example, as
the company is the first one to provide technological
solution to roasters all over the globe, collecting infor-
mation and giving more knowledge. James Hoffman,
co-founder of Square Mile Coffee Roasters, author of
the World Atlas of Coffee says: “I think Cropster has
Revo 3, the grinder has 3 coffee hoppers, programmable
coffee percentage from different hoppers at the same time
allows you to create your own blends, three possible selec-
tions of rotation speed allows you to obtain variations of
grinding curves. Moreover, Sanremo wanted to minimize
waste as much as possible, that is why the new grinder
ARISTAS On the barista side, with the precisely weights beans before grinding and individual
development of the third
dosing allows the grinding chamber to remain empty,
& COFFEE SHOPS wave of coffee, they started avoiding waste and enabling fresh coffee dosing every time.
asking more questions about
As we can see there is a lot of space for imagination and
the coffee they work with and trying to learn as much as improvements in grinders. Most of new grinders try to
possible about the equipment they use. What is the most minimize the waste; as we all know, hospitality industry is
important is that barista need to make consistent coffee one of the top wasting industries so starting minimizing
and have consistent equipment. It is up for barista to get the waste with grinders might be a good idea.
to know more as we have more and more knowledge As for coffee machines, in these years there has
available. However, we still have a big gap between cof- been an intensive innovation in the machine side. The
fee professionals and consumers and that is what seems evolution of the Specialty coffee requested new perfor-
like a new goal for barista – shorten this gap. That is how mance and new parameters from the machines in order
during these 10 years, coffee machines and grinders to emphasize the qualities of this kind of coffee. One
started to become smaller and much more user-friendly example of this innovation is the T3 technology intro-
as now we know more and barista can concentrate on duced by the Simonelli Group, which allows maximum
consumer’s needs. flexibility with the brewing temperature setting and at
Talking about grinders, they play a significant role the same time it grants an incredible consistency of the
when we are preparing espressos, that is why many temperature in any condition of use. These advantages
manufacturers now are trying to increase consistency are reflected in the better quality of the coffee in the
for dosing and grind profile such as particle distribution. cup. Moreover, technology from VST like refractometers
During Host Milan 2017, there were several new innova- has given us a better understanding of how espresso
tive grinders: Mahlkonig showcased gravimetric grinder works. VST were the ones that fully investigated the
with the best way to maximize consistency by weighting effects of geometry, hole diameter, and shape on extrac-
coffee you grind. Victoria Arduino showed their new tion and then offered a filter with a guaranteed consis-
grinder, Mythos II. The new grinder ensures maximum tency of hole placement and shape. Since then we’ve
density and accuracy so that the brew ratio is always seen a lot of new technology, that changed attitudes
consistent, even if you change the granulometry, the dose towards espresso baskets, and we now know what helps
remains unchanged, new grinding system lowers electric improve espresso’s consistency and flavor. Hence, we
consumption so we can see how even grinders go eco- have proper espresso recipes now and we brew better
riendly. Last but not least, new grinder from Sanremo: espresso more often.