Page 38 - #61 English
P. 38
c Special Report
As the most influential competition to identify coffee qual-
ity in Brazil, Cup of Excellence (COE) is teaken very seri-
ously. Each year, COE selects the best batch of coffee beans
through cupping, awards certificates and bonuses to coffee
farmers, and send winning beans to an online international
auction after which most of the payment received would go
to winning farmers for technology update and farm renova-
tion while only a small amount will be used to offset costs
during COE. This brings many extremely poor farmers the
promise of a happier life and a worldwide acknowledge-
ment. However, the ultimate target of COE is not to only
benefit certain Brazilian farms, but to help improve the
overall quality of Brazilian coffee, bring more types of Bra-
zilian coffee to people’s attention, and strengthen commu-
nication between Brazilian and international coffee experts.
Technologies and
diligence are able
to sustain high qual-
ity of coffee.
The Importance of Education
Brazil has a long history of professional production Sítio Retiro do Ipê, a coffee farm owned by
and export of coffee. In Brazil, coffee competitions a family named Briaochi, is a well-known
and evaluation events are significantly influential. reformer in Espírito Santo. Their little
People would love to learn coffee knowledge or shop has different certificates granted by
participate in such competitions or events. There the government or competitions. Briaochis
are numerous certificates in Brazil, and it’s popu- adopt honey-processing method to process
lar inside Brazilian coffee circle to achieve several raw beans, because due to local humid
certificates. IFES Academy and local coffee farmers climate, it’s easy for dry-processed beans
support each other. The coffee lab carries out the to get moldy. On the other hand, next to
latest experiments of processing and fermentation, Briaochis’ prosper farmland, on neighboring
actively promotes these new methods after projects hills, other farmland is poor and lifeless. So
have achieved success, and send technical experts as we can see, only scientific technologies
to help farmers update technology, improve yield and diligence are able to sustain high qual-
and get in touch with the up-to-date information. ity of coffee.