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The main problem preventing farmers from learning a
second language is the limited resources available in rural
areas such as Rodriguez’s village. Opportunities for education
are rare and expensive, and even in cities, English classes only
reach beginner levels. However, with the advent of technol-
ogy and smartphones, it has become easier for Colombian
farmers to access language-learning resources online for free
or at low cost.
As Rodriguez explains, this will enable them to form
new relationships with buyers, create more direct deals and
travel with confidence. He believes that learning a second
language should be compulsory, and that the internet is help-
ing to bring farmers closer to the rest of the world. By doing
so, they can put their coffee on the map and get recognition
for their hard work.
Another player that has emerged in the last few years
is AI technology. AI could potentially help bridge language
barriers by providing instant translation services, improving
comprehension, and helping to connect people in different
languages. However, this is a relatively new field and there
are potential risks associated with using AI language models.
Companies must be aware of the ethical considerations
when utilizing these tools, such as ensuring that all data used
is diverse and representative, and regularly auditing their
Perspectives, Roles, and Professional Com- portant step towards improving the quality of specialty coffee systems to identify bias or discrimination. With this in mind,
petencies and creating a more inclusive industry. businesses can leverage the power of AI language models to
Perfect Daily Grind, one of the most influential media connect with partners and customers more personally, offer
Last October, the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) outlets in specialty coffee, also supports three languages: tailored experiences and drive growth responsibly.
unveiled a new task force to build a robust system for special- English, Spanish and Portuguese. The website provides articles Overall, it’s important to acknowledge that language can
ty coffee cuppers and graders. Composed of more than 40 and videos to help coffee professionals all over the world stay be both a barrier and a bridge when it comes to specialty
volunteers and invited organizational representatives, the up-to-date with industry news, as well as interviews with coffee. It all depends on how we use it. We should embrace
group released their inaugural white paper in April 2023. industry professionals in multiple languages. By providing the many different languages represented in our industry and
Called The Value of Specialty Coffee Cuppers: Perspec- resources in three different languages, Perfect Daily Grind is make sure everyone feels comfortable communicating with
tives, Roles, and Professional Competencies, this paper out- helping to bridge the language gap and furthering the special- one another. To do this, we need more resources available in
lines key perspectives on specialty coffee cupping roles and ist coffee industry. different languages so that everyone has access to relevant
professional competencies that are essential in order to create In the end, we all use our personal experiences and the information no matter what language they speak.
consistent quality standards across the industry. The paper language we speak to communicate our ideas and feelings. The specialty coffee industry has started to take some
emphasized appropriate language use as an important com- Whether it’s about flavor descriptors, aroma terminology or steps towards becoming more inclusive and accessible regard-
munication tool under market advisory competencies. native languages, the more we understand each other’s expe- ing this. By promoting multilingualism, allowing new tech-
These competencies involve the ability to effectively riences and perspectives, the better our communication and nologies to bridge language barriers and providing free or
communicate key concepts about farming and processing our specialty coffee industry will become. But can we also low-cost online courses, everyone can benefit from improved
factors, as well as the capability of creating market linkages use other tools to enhance our understanding? communication and understanding. Specialty coffee has the
between buyers and sellers. Cuppers should be able to use potential to reach greater heights with increased access to
language that is easily understood by producers and processors Exploring New Technologies and Online resources in different languages.
while avoiding obscure cupping language. They can also aid Learning Ultimately, open lines of communication are essential
in the creation of market linkages by making introductions for any successful business venture in our global marketplace.
(in-person or electronically), facilitating relationships as a A recent article by Helena Oliviero titled “How breaking Whether it’s through language, AI technology or other means,
proxy for either party, interpreting needs or language, etc. down language barriers can help Colombian coffee farmers” specialty coffee professionals should be working together to
What’s more, the white paper was released both in and published on Coffee Intelligence described the experience foster a more diverse and interconnected world that appre-
English and Spanish. This is a step towards bridging the lan- of José Anargel Rodríguez, a coffee farmer from Colombia ciates cultural differences and uses them as fuel for mutual
guage gap that often exists between specialty coffee farmers, who recently had the opportunity to attend an export expo growth and success. With innovation and dedication, we can
roasters, and consumers. By recognizing the importance of in Seattle. Although he was offered interpreters, he struggled create an even brighter future for the specialty coffee indus-
language in specialty coffee, this task force is taking an im- to communicate due to his lack of English language skills. try and all of its members.
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