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          known barista with a terrific story. They may not have   want to make coffee shops and their people better and
          had the opportunity to tell the story to others before,   more fulfilling.” Deferio shared with us.
          but after being on our podcast, they may feel that being   With about 10 episodes per month and never miss-
          a barista could be rewarding. They would feel that at least   ing one, Deferio always tries to make sure each episode
          someone  is  willing  to  listen  to  their  experience.  The   is meaningful and impactful, not just a throw-away epi-
          podcast could give people in this industry such a rare   sode. Now the show has nearly 2.5 million downloads
          opportunity,” said Micky.                    and over 700 episodes published and is listed in over 170
              For many coffee podcasts, the hosts only use it more   countries. “It is thrilling to know there are companies
          as a tool for external exposure with no business purpose.   that have used Keys to the Shop as their primary resource
          Nevertheless,  someone  is  still  successfully  taking  the   from the time they launched until now. I am constantly
          coffee podcast to the next level and making it his own   humbled and take my role in producing this content very
          business. Keys to the Shop is a podcast designed to pro-  seriously as I steward the wisdom of our collective in-
          vide the coffee retail professional with insights, inspira-  dustry,” he said.
          tion,  and  the  tools  needed  to  grow  and  advance  your   In fact, Keys to the Shop is a win-win for both the
          coffee career or business. Through interviews with ex-  listeners and Deferio himself. On the one hand, the lis-
          perts both in and outside the coffee industry, listeners   teners could reach some of the rarest materials on barista
          could get specific, practical, and actionable advice about   work and shop management. On the other hand, Deferio
          barista work, management, and leadership skills, all for   also won many of his customers through his podcast, even   James Harper,
          free.  The  podcast  host  Chris  Deferio  has  been  in  the   though he did not start the show with that in mind. He   the host of Fil-
                                                                                                                               ter Stories
          specialty coffee industry for 23 years, deeply involved in   shared: “I was pretty shy about promoting my services,
          the early third-wave movement, competitions, and work-  but I have got over that and feel that I want to make sure
          ing in many cafe leadership roles over these decades. The   the right people hear about it and have the chance to work
          show was born from Deferio’s desire to offer up what he   with me and I have the opportunity to serve them. My
          used to long for as a manager and trainer to run a suc-  clients say that they feel they already know me from the
          cessful shop. “My goal is to offer a resource that grounds   show, and as a result, they know my values, and it has been   working in finance, Harper realized his genuine interest   Harper interviewed four leading genetic experts in coffee.
          people,  slows  them  down  long  enough  to  make  wise   the  number  one  thing  that  has  attracted  them  to  me.”   was in coffee. So he quit his job and started a new career   He also did a lot of reading to understand the interplay
          choices, and puts roots down deep in the right areas. I   Working full-time on the podcast, Deferio successfully   in coffee. While working as a coffee wholesaler, Harper   between genetics and coffee and all the theories behind
                                                       sustains his family and works to grow the business and           found himself in the middle of specialty coffee. He want-  it. To make the episode more accurate and convincing,
                                                       serve more clients in need appropriately.                        ed to know more about specialty coffee, but all he could   Harper flew to Kenya and Ethiopia and spent a couple of
                                                           While most coffee podcasts are in the form of in-            access was only very filtered information. “You don’t get   days visiting coffee farmers and a genetic research labo-
                                                       terviews, as it needs less preparation and production, one       into the real truth of the matter, like who is farming my   ratory to learn about a variety of species of coffee and
                                                       man  insists  on  swimming  upstream. Filter  Stories is         coffee? What’s really going on? There are a lot of stories   their genetic development.
                                                       probably the only documentary-style coffee podcast in            that are out there, but I’m not hearing them. I guess this   The reason why Harper puts so much effort into a
                                                       the field. In this podcast, you could find many amazing          is the documentary person in me. I love to explore these   coffee documentary is simply that he loves it. He believes
                                                       stories,  for  example,  an  award-winning  coffee  grower       profound stories. I also love audio narrative stories. So I   that his hard work of getting all the different information
                                                       earning just US$2 profit from 250 espressos; or a coffee         decided to make my own documentary coffee podcast.”  and turning it into something digestive would help more
                                                       producer who is almost murdered three times during a                 In  2017,  Harper  began  his  journey  of  making  a   people, whether professionals or amateurs, understand
                                                       civil war. Recently, Filter Stories released a new series        documentary-style  coffee  podcast.  He  tried  to  talk  to   coffee better and sometimes help them rethink it. He told
                                                       about coffee history as well as coffee science.                  anybody who was in the podcast industry. He read a lot   me  in  the  interview:  “There  is  absolutely  a  place  for
                                                           “Back in the day, I loved many documentary styles            of  books  about  how  to  make  narrative  audio.  He  also   ‘speaking to the expert’ type of podcast because you hear
                                                       of podcasts like This American Life. I want to listen to         taught himself Spanish to better communicate with coffee   directly from the expert. I choose to do what I do, bring-
                                                       this style of coffee podcast, but it didn’t exist. I wished      farmers in Latin America. With a lot of practice and ex-  ing many experts together in a single episode, because
                                                       it  existed.  I  know  others  wish  it  existed.  Therefore,  I   ploration, Harper is now the expert. Apart from doing   you can listen very intently to it and soak it into your
                                                       decided to try it. At the very least, what’s the worst that’s    his own podcast, he is also a producer and occasional host   head. And when you really pay attention to anything like
                                                       going to happen if I make it? If you can’t make a living         for other coffee podcasts, including 5THWAVE and Ad-  that, it then starts changing how you see the world.”
                                                       out of it, it’s a great experience anyway. I had some sav-       ventures in Coffee.                              Luckily, Harper’s hard work on the coffee documen-
                                                       ings, so I began what became Filter Stories.” Said James             However, even with all the techniques and produc-  tary podcast has paid off. He saw people discussing and
                                                       Harper, the host of Filter Stories.                              tion methods learned along the way, it still takes much   reflecting on what he presented in the podcast. For ex-
                                                           It might be hard to believe that, with his most pop-         effort for Harper to make an excellent coffee documen-  ample,  in  his  last  episode  of The  Science  of  Coffee,
                                                       ular series reaching over 100,000 listens, James Harper,         tary podcast. Sometimes, it can take up to 100 hours an   Harper addressed the impact of noise and how it detracts
                                                       the Filter Stories host, had zero experience making doc-         episode. For example, in his The Science of Coffee series,   from the sensory experience of coffee. Noise is such a
                                                       umentary podcasts before he started the project. Initially       there is one episode on plant genetics. For that episode,   common thing in cafes that most of the time, people won’t

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