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                                           TURBO ACTION
 called  “pod-fade”.  In  fact,  it  is  an  obstacle  that  most
 podcast hosts need to conquer. But with passion and faith,
 it could be easier for coffee podcast hosts than others.   HIGH VOLUME
 “Worth is based on what you value. I started this (podcast)
 by telling my wife if I do this, I will do it forever. No half
 measures or ‘pod fade’ as they say. I trusted in the begin-  GRINDING
 ning that there was deep value and beauty to be showcased
 in the industry. I have seen it.” Deferio shared his belief
 in his podcast at the end of our interview.
 The coffee podcasts these hosts run are for more
 than just the audience. On the other hand, as many hosts
 agreed, it is also nourishment for themselves. “My earli-
 est  attempt  at  a  podcast  should  be  in  2019.  My  friend
 invited  me  to  chat  about  cocktails  on  his  podcast.  He
 found the topic very interesting and encouraged me to
 make  a  show  myself.  At  that  time,  I  was  working  in  a
 company, but as a person with a background in writing,
 I still had the desire to express myself. However, I was
 fed up with writing. On the other hand, making videos is
 too time and money-consuming. In the end, I chose to do
 audio to give it a try. I think, relatively speaking, for or-
 dinary people, audio may be a lower barrier to entry, and
 it can be started quite quickly.” Ruisun, the host of Tipsy
 Proof said. Despite all the difficulties and challenges he
 faced; Harper, the host of Filter Stories, still puts all his
 effort into it because he loves what he is doing. “I am
 motivated very intrinsically. I go through all the hassle
 of trying to find the right partners for these stories be-
 cause I am just very curious myself to know the answers.
 I  really  enjoy  creating  these  stories  because  it’s  very
 one of the biggest Chinese social media platforms. For   nourishing to me to be very creative in that way.”
 instance, the podcast paired up with T-mall for collabo-  “I  become  a  better,  more  thoughtful  person  after
 rations for T-mall’s seasonal social media campaign on   every interview. Boss Barista is as much a personal proj-
 the  Food  &  Drink  segments  with  advertisements  and   ect as it is a podcast, I make for others to listen to, and I
 customized discounts. Moreover, we also see some lead-  think that’s what makes it sustainable from an emotional
 ing  coffee  brands  in  China  testing  water  in  podcasts.   level. I do this for myself first – to understand something
 SATURNBIRD COFFEE, one of the most famous Chinese   new, to connect with people.” Added Rodriguez, the host
 instant specialty coffee brands, has started its own pod-  of Boss Barista.
 cast, inviting guests to chat with more than just coffee.   When I first started the article, I was very much
 From  niche  albums  to  travel  maps  to  the  current  hot   focused  on  the  business  model  and  profits  of  coffee
 outdoor camping, the content hits young people’s inter-  podcasts. I wanted to know how the coffee podcast in-  High volume grinding system with turbo action that draws the coffee
 ests and covers everything. The podcast content aligns   dustry runs. However, after talking to all the passionate   ̅ÀœÕ}… ̅i V…>“LiÀ vœÀ }Ài>ÌiÀ }Àˆ˜`ˆ˜} ëii` >˜` ivwVˆi˜VÞ
 with the brand tone and focuses on emotional value.  podcast  hosts,  I  realized  that  they  are  pursuing  much   – one pound in under 30 seconds.
 Looking at the bigger picture, podcast listeners tend   more  than  just  a  podcast,  more  than  just  money.  The
 to  have  a  higher  household  income  than  the  national   people in the coffee community purely love the beverage,   Bag switch stops motor when bag is removed and prevents grinding
 average, have attained a higher education level, and be   and they all have this nature of sharing and helping each   before bag is in place.
 more ethnically diverse than the overall U.S. population,   other, and to make the coffee industry better. Therefore,
 according to Triton Digital. As these might be the people   no matter if it is for business or charity, no matter if it
 who are more into specialty coffee, the listeners in the   is for others or oneself, the coffee podcast will keep on   Hopper holds 3lb (1.36kg) of regular, decaf or specialty coffee beans.
 coffee segments might grow in the future.   broadcasting. And it would someday be someone’s back-
 However, before the boom comes, the biggest chal-  ground voice when driving, walking, or brewing a cup of   Wide range of grinds can be selected.
 lenge for most coffee podcast hosts is to avoid the so-  coffee in the morning.


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