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 With the prosperity of the industry,   a shout-out. As podcasts started to get popular in 2020,   it contains, podcasts have become a perfect medium for
            Micky decided to try to use the podcast as a new way to
                                                          baristas, experts, and coffee lovers.
 more players joined, and more diverse   fulfill the organization’s mission.
                When Micky first thought of forming an NPO for   When  Coffee  Meets  Podcasts:  How  It
 content and topics have appeared.   baristas, it was thanks to his encounter with a world   Diversifies the Coffee Community
            barista champion in 2018. He found out that baristas
 Coffee is one of them.  are just like ordinary people in daily life, but when it   I’M  NOT  A  BARISTA  started  its  podcast  in  2021
            comes to their professions, they suddenly become the   when the COVID-19 hit. For each episode, the founder
            star – put all their life into their careers, into the cof-  and  the  podcast  host,  Micky  Wang,  would  invite  one
            fee  industry.  He  realized  that  being  a  barista  is  not   coffee industry guest to share their stories. Attached to
            about pushing a button on a coffee machine. Rather it   the podcast is an article profile of the person as well.
            requires knowledge and techniques after years of learn-  There  is  no  specific  topic  for  the  episodes.  The  guest
            ing  and  pursuing.  He  wants  more  people  to  listen  to   could  say  and  share  anything  they  wanted  to  discuss,
            their stories; a podcast is a “truer” medium for barista   from barista life to start-up stories. So many times, when
            stories from his view. “Many times, you may have read   you listen to I’M NOT A BARISTA, you don’t know what
            the text and seen the photos, but it is still difficult to   you are expecting. However, that is where most listeners
 Then,  COVID-19  hit.  Even  though  it  has  caused   Lucia specializes in using microbes to create reproducible
            feel what this person is really like. When you are lis-  would  get  pleasant  surprises  from  those  “Meet  Some-
 worldwide  mess,  it  helped  the  podcast  industry  have   flavor profiles and provide stability to a highly variable
            tening to the podcast, you will find that this person is   body” episodes. Nevertheless, to create all the content,
 another  boom  as  the  global  population  was  restricted   process. In her podcast, you can hear topics such as how
            different from what you imagined through their tone   the only man behind it is Micky, sometimes with part-
 from going outdoors. Nielsen’s new report shows that the   sugar content differs based on processing style: washed,
            and rhythm of speech in words, and your feelings for   time volunteers. From inviting guests to editing episodes,
 U.S. podcast listener base has grown by 40% over the past   honey, or natural. Or another episode discussed how the
            this person would go further.”                Micky  did  it  all.  For  him,  making  podcasts  is  not  for
 three years, and more than half of them said they started   coffee  terroir  would  influence  coffee  taste.  Through
                Easy to start and operate, less time and money-con-  profit but another medium to volume up the voices of
 listening during the past two years during the pandemic.   podcasts, listeners could gain a lot of professional and
            suming, and, more importantly, a more intimate feeling   baristas. “A lot of the time, we would interview an un-
 In China, people called 2022 “the first year of the podcast   exclusive  coffee-producing  knowledge  from  an  expert
 era”. According to a report released by the professional   that they cannot find anywhere else. On top of that, it is
 marketing research company iResearch, the number of   free. Podcasts like these, made by coffee professionals
 new Chinese podcasts in China in 2020 surpassed 7,000,   with their passions and goodwill, truly help the coffee
 a year-on-year increase of 412%; and the number of pod-  community improve.
 cast users in China has reached nearly 70 million.  Podcasts also provide an emotional link for listeners
 Looking  at  the  future,  there  is  no  doubt  that  the   and the hosts. The coffee writer and host of Boss Barista,
 growth  of  podcasts  will  continue.  According  to  Grand   Ashley  Rodriguez,  explained  the  difference  between
 View  Research,  the  global  podcasting  market  size  was   words  and  audio.  She  said:  “I  think  there’s  something
 valued at USD 18.52 billion in 2022 and is estimated to   really striking about hearing someone speak, about real-
 expand  at  a  compound  annual  growth  rate  (CAGR)  of   ly tuning into what a person is saying. For me, podcasts
 27.6%  from  2023  to  2030.  With  the  prosperity  of  the   give an added emotional weight because you get to hear
 industry, more players joined, and more diverse content   people in their own words share their stories.”
 and topics have appeared. Coffee is one of them.  As the New Yorker once commented, as a medium
 of deep intimacy, podcasts can slowly build stories and
 Turning Taste  into  Auditory:  How  Pod-  form an emotional atmosphere. The emotional transmis-
 casts Make Magic  sion efficiency of voice is higher, and immediate reactions
    such as the use of words, laughter, or silence make people
 The nature of the podcast encourages more people,   feel real and have a sense of companionship; therefore, a
 from coffee experts to coffee lovers, to join the conver-  trusting relationship is formed from this.
 sation and contribute to the coffee community. Especial-  In fact, a few interviewees I talked to mentioned
 ly for those with a professional background, it is a better   the intimate emotional feeling empowered by podcasts,
 way to pass on their knowledge to the community more   including  the  founder  of  I’M  NOT  A  BARISTA,  Micky
 effectively and efficiently. In fact, that’s what many cof-  Wang. I’M NOT A BARISTA is an NPO (not-for-profit
 fee professionals are doing at the moment. For example,   organization), especially for the barista group. The or-
 former winemaker turned fermentation and coffee pro-  ganization aims to empower the people behind the cup
 cessing specialist Lucia Solis made a podcast focusing on   by  sharing  their  stories  with  the  broader  public  and
 the agricultural side of coffee production called Making   providing them financial support. Micky and the volun-
 Coffee with Lucia Solis. With years of experience work-  teers have documented more than 200 barista stories to
 ing  with  coffee  producers  throughout  Latin  America,   give the heroes behind coffee bars, famous or unknown,

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