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P. 41
Peter Bjerg
Old Ways to a New Order
O ur world has been in a constant state of a social proces designer, both freelance and in a job as
Photography is one of his professions, but he is also
production and consumption since the in-
dustrial revolution. As we gain more knowl-
youth”. He is the creator of ISSUES Magazine, coffee
edge about how to make production faster municipal “democracy co-worker for and with the
and cheaper, many people have forgotten the romanti- lover and definitely a tinkerer. Both William Morris and
cism in craftsmanship. The transparency of the resourc- Peter Bjerg have one thing in common: the appreciation
es we use to make goods today is harder and harder to for quality, traditions, and the quest for perfection. In
track. We often neglect the stories and origin of the the world of coffee, traditions, quality and time shape
products we use. the beverage that many people love today.
Coffee is a prime example of rapid production, but Learning old ways and applying innovation to tra-
fortunately, as specialty coffee gains popularity, more dition is a large part of the specialty coffee industry.
people are interested in what goes on behind the scenes Through understanding Peter as a creative individual,
of coffee processing. There has been a constant fight we will explore the idea of a new order that he has
between craftsmanship and industrialization for centu- created for himself in search of the ancient Greek con-
ries. As machinery and factories increase production, cept of Arete and how keeping it doing things analogue
the quality has drastically declined. Looking back at the helped him perfect his craft through touch and feel.
Arts and Crafts Movement, it took a large group of ded- With the rapidly changing specialty coffee world, per-
icated artists and craftsmen to remind us of the impor- haps reminding ourselves of old ways is the next step
tance of quality, aesthetics, and craft. to a new wave.
When speaking about the Arts and Crafts Move-
ment, William Morris is a name that comes up often. A
multi-faceted designer, poet, artist, and printmaker, he
is a major contributor to reviving the traditions in tex-
Besides being photographer, he is also a social proces tiles and prints. He believed in the value of craftsman-
designer, both freelance and in a job as municipal ship and quality that comes with time. Like William
“democracy co-worker for and with the youth”. Also creator Morris, Peter Bjerg is a Danish analogue photographer,
of ISSUES Magazine, coffee lover and definitely a tinkerer. and a creative designer that wears many hats. 41