Page 43 - 0517 #88 eng 190254mm(净尺寸)
P. 43
C Peter Bjerg
“I aim for high quality by a
touch-and-feel effort com-
bined with a curiosity for ex-
citing knowledge out there. I
Peter in front of the camera
have a very tactile approach,
but I also love to study the ad-
Peter has always been interested in photogra- that “the world doesn’t really need another photo”, but
phy ever since he was young. He learned black-and- it’s enjoyable to make a good photo, in many ways. The
white analogue photography at school and later very act of seeing someone, a face, a gesture and trans- vice and skills of others.”
became a model to help fund his college to pursue form it into a photograph, with all the steps technique
film school studies. His experience of being on both and decision that is at play. It is the subject and the
sides of the camera gives him insight into how to connection to the subject during the process that is
connect with his subjects and produce photos that important, but also the connection of the photographer
vibrate with emotions. and the machines and materials used in the photomak-
When speaking with Peter, he mentioned that ing. “I aim for high quality by a touch-and-feel effort
Arete is a Greek concept that he resonates with. Simply combined with a curiosity for exciting knowledge out
put, Arete is the pursuit of excellence in what you do. there. I have a very tactile approach, but I also love to
Peter’s pursuit of excellence is through the tactile pro- study the advice and skills of others,” he says.
cess of everything he does. His approach to photography The tangible results with coffee or photography,
is similar to his approach to making coffee. The more come from the hours of fun, mastering the skills and Peter Bjerg at the caffenol
manual and aware the process is, the better. He believes process through experience and touch and feel. workshop at Vintage Photo
Festival in Bydgoszcz.
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