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                                                        804)  recorded  in  his  Book  of  Tea,  in  the  past,  tea  was   John tells us his three common ways to make tea-flavored ice cream:
                                                        cooked with spring onions, gingers, dates, orange peels,      č ĎUsing grinded tea powder
                                                        dogwood and mint in porridge. The flavors of the tea leaf     č ĎConcentrated sauce made from strong tea
                                                                                                                      č ĎCooking the tea directly in ice cream syrup.
                                                        itself could enrich the aroma of the food. Both tea and
                                                        ice  cream  have  extensive  possibilities,  and  maybe  the
                                                        market can tell us if the infusion is possible.

                                                        From Menu to Market

                                                            In recent years, tea drink stores, cafes and tea leaf
                                                        businesses have jumped into the ice cream market, and
                                                        the realm has been important for the tea drink, the coffee
                                                        and even the traditional catering industry.
                                                            “Ice cream is a popular dessert for both young and                                                                                             Photo / Matt & Ella
                                                        old. It’s a good fit for those big names to do advertising
                                                        and get into the new market. For example, the prestige
                                                        alcohol brand Moutai made ice cream to cultivate or look
                                                        for a new customer base. All in all, both the industry and
                                                        consumers are happy to see more resources dumped into
                                                        the ice cream realm,” says John.
                                                            When consumers discover tea-flavored ice cream in
                                                        such  a  trusted  environment,  this  high-quality  product
                                                        experience will spark their interest in the delicacy. They
                                                        may pay more attention to related products and gradual-
                                                        ly develop a consumption habit.
                                                            However, most of such tea-flavored ice creams are
                                                        only  available  in  summer,  though  a  few  brands  do  sell
                                                        pre-packaged products in their stores. “If Gelato’s char-
                                                        acter and flavor are not displayed in an offline scenario,
                                                        it would not be possible to create a natural, fresh expe-
                                                        rience. An offline scenario is very important to trigger
                                                        more consumer interest,” says Nico. As for the absence
                                                        of  big  brands  dedicated  to  tea-flavored  ice  cream,  he
                                                        believes it is because “ice cream is still taken as a season-
                                                        al product”. “Many coffee and tea brands add tea-flavored
            When Italian Gelato, an emblem of natural princi-  ice  cream  to  enrich  their  seasonal  menu.  They  do  not
        ple,  meets  tea,  a  synonym  of  health,  the  dual  interna-  invest in a separate product line.”
        tional flavors crash to present a cold savor of the usual-  The growing tea-flavored ice cream realm also nur-
        ly  hot  drink.  This  rightly  echoes  with  “Amplified   tured the tea market.
        Experiences”, one of the 2022 Top 10 Food and Beverage   Just like many tea and coffee brands taking tea-fla-
        Trends  put  forward  by  Innova  Market  Insights,  an  in-  vored ice cream as a side line, Ice Kirin Bar also has tea
        dustry data supplier.                           as one of its side lines. John tells us that it is a part of the
            Since the pandemic has driven customers to a health-  branding,  an  intention  to  tell  customers  that  they  use
        ier lifestyle, it is welcome that tea has crowned ice cream   good  ingredients  while  offering  a  place  to  buy  tea  for
        with  a  healthy  halo.  Symrise  once  said  that  customers   those who get interested. “After trying our tea-flavored
        have been more discreet with products good for health,   ice cream, many customers bought related tea leaves or
        which triggers tea to show up in multiple foods, rather   tea powders. After all, ice cream is more attractive to the
        than simply being a drink.                      young generation than tea. Once they have tried the ice
            Can  tea  go  well  with  ice  cream?  Actually,  tea  has   cream and found themselves fond of the flavor, they may
        been added into food since long ago; it is a tradition in   get curious in learning and exploring more about tea, and
        China to “eat tea”. For example, as Master Lu Yu (733-  naturally fall in love with tea.”

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