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                                                                                                                                                   G-SERIES GRINDERS
                                                             The tour ended back  at the farm house, where
                                                         we were able to visit the factory and see how the
                                                         tea is processed. After that, we headed to the gift                   PRECISE GRINDING
                                                         shop, which was full of everything tea-related, from
                                                         tea towels and tea sets, to mugs and infusers. Tea
                                                         lovers can choose from a large selection of special-
                                                         ty  teas  that  are  produced  in  the  Charleston  Tea
                                                         Garden, both as tea bags and loose leaf. The com-
                                                         pany has also teamed up with Camille Beckman, a
                                                         well-known  body  care  manufacturer  to  offer  a
                                                         Charleston Tea Garden line of body care products,
                                                         such as lotions, soaps, and balms.
                                                             After learning about tea cultivation and pro-
                                                         cessing, it was now time to sample the teas! The Tea
                                                         Bar, located in the gift shop, offers a variety of hot
                                                         and iced teas for guests to enjoy, free of charge. We
                                                         sat down on the porch, overlooking the garden, and
                                                         enjoyed  a  cup  of  South  Carolina’s  delicious,  cold,
                                                         refreshing iced tea. Southern hospitality at its finest!

                                                         From Plantation to Garden

                                                             After reading this far, you might have noticed
                                                         that I keep referring to the Charleston Tea Plantation
                                                         as the Charleston Tea Garden. On June 9th, 2020,
                                                         the plantation officially changed its name to Charles-
                                                         ton Tea Garden®. If you look up the word “planta-
                                                         tion”  in the dictionary, one of the definitions is “a
             A Visit to the Charleston Tea Garden        large farm, especially in a hot part of the world, on
                                                         which a particular type of crop is grown”.
                 On a hot summer day, my friend and I found   However,  the  word  carries  a  significant  his-
             ourselves in the heart of the tea garden, surround-  torical  weight, often associated with slavery and
             ed  by  fields  of  Camellia  sinensis.  The  sun  was   racism.  It  is  a  fact  that  the  workers  of  countless
             beating down and the humidity was high, but that   plantations  around  the  U.S.  were  slaves,  and  that
             didn’t  stop  us  from  enjoying  our  time  at  the   the Charleston Tea Plantation is built on land that
             Charleston Tea Garden. Coming up to the garden,   once belonged to a plantation that used slave labor.
             the first thing we noticed was the beautiful plan-  In recent years, there has been a movement to re-
             tation  house.  The  Southern  architecture  and  the   name  plantations  in  order  to  distance  them  from
             front porch full of rocking chairs set the tone for   their dark past.                                                    340° of grind resolution on the no-click selection dial.
             what we were about to experience.               The Charleston Tea Plantation is one of many
                 After admiring the house, we hopped on the   plantations that have decided to change their name                                       Tinted, durable hoppers.
             trolley for a tour around the plantation.  Our trolley   to “garden.” The decision to rename the plantation
             guide was very knowledgeable about the history of   came after much thought and deliberation, taking                  New bag clamp accommodates various bags and containers.
             tea and the Charleston Tea Plantation. He told us   into account the input of employees, guests, and the
             all about how tea is grown and harvested, as well as   local community. The name “Charleston Tea Gar-                       0.45 Kg, 0.91 Kg and 1.36 Kg hoppers available to
             the different types of tea. We even got to listen to   den” better reflects the company’s mission, which                             meet a variety of coffee demands
             Willian Hall himself, the owner of the plantation,   is  to  grow,  make,  and  share  the  joy  of  tea.  The
             narrate  a  portion  of  the  tour  over  the  bus  sound   Charleston Tea Garden is more than just a farm; it’s      The BUNN G Series Visual Hopper (VH) delivers fast, precision
             system.  The  trolley  stopped  in  the  greenhouse,   a place where people can come to learn about tea,              grinding into a variety of common bags, cans, and containers.
             where everyone got to see firsthand what it takes   relax and enjoy the beauty of the garden, and taste
             for tea bushes to come to life.             some of the best teas in the country.


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