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                 The United States is                       culture, with passionate tea lovers enjoying ev-
                                                                The United States is home to a vibrant tea
            not the first place that                         erything from traditional English Breakfast Tea

          comes to mind, when we                            to  exotic  herbal  blends.  While  most  of  the  tea
                                                            consumed in the US is imported, there is a grow-
           think of tea cultivation.                        ing  movement  of  American  tea  growers  and
                                                            producers who are dedicated to cultivating and
                 But it turns out that                      producing  high-quality  teas  right  here  in  the
                                                            States. The possibility to grow tea is limited by
                     tea has a long and                     the climate, which needs to be warm and humid.
                                                            The  Camellia  sinensis  plants  that  are  used  to
         interesting history in the                         make all types of tea grow best in warm weather
                                                            with lots of rainfall.
                                                                However, there are many states with a small
               U.S. that goes beyond                        number  of  experimental  tea  gardens,  including
                              consumption.                  New Jersey, Alabama, California, Florida, Geor-
                                                            gia,  Hawaii,  Maryland,  Michigan,  Mississippi,
                                                            North Carolina, Oregon, New York and Virginia.
                                                            South Carolina’s climate is particularly ideal for
                                                            tea cultivation. Though very little tea is actual-
                                                            ly grown in the United States today, tea has been
                                                            consumed here since the early days of colonial
                                                            settlement.  Evidently,  the  United  States  is  not
                                                            the first place that comes to mind when we think
                                                            of tea cultivation. But it turns out that tea has a             but it remains most popular in the south. Sweet   Tea Cultivation Challenges in the Unit-
                                                            long and interesting history in the U.S. that goes              tea, as it’s called in the South, is made by steep-  ed States
                                                            beyond consumption.                                             ing tea bags in hot water and then adding sugar
                                                                                                                            to  taste.  Today,  tea  is  once  again  becoming   Despite the fact that tea has been consumed in
                                                            Tea Consumption in the United States                            popular in the United States because more and   the United States for centuries, very little tea is ac-
                                                                                                                            more  people  are  becoming  interested  in  the   tually grown here. The main reasons for this are 1)
                                                                The history of tea consumption in the Unit-                 health benefits of tea. Tea is rich in antioxidants   high shelf prices, 2) high labor costs and 3) unfavor-
                                                            ed States dates back to the colonial era.  Tea was              and has been shown to have many other health   able growing regions. Tea is typically grown in coun-
                                                            introduced to the colonies by British settlers in               benefits.  As  a  result,  sales  of  tea  have  been   tries  with  lower  labor  costs,  such  as  India  and  Sri
                                                            the 1600s. At first, it was a luxury item that only             growing in recent years. Aside from black tea,   Lanka. This is because tea cultivation is a labor-in-
                                                            the wealthy could afford. But by the 1700s, tea                 which  is  the  most  popular  type  of  tea  in  the   tensive process. The leaves must be picked by hand,
                                                            drinking  had  become  more  widespread.  During                United States, green and herbal teas are also a   and this is typically done by workers who are paid
                                                            the  American  Revolution,  tea  became  a  symbol              preferred choice for many U.S. residents.   very low wages. As a result, the cost of tea production
                                                            of  British  oppression.  In  1773,  the  colonists                 According to a Tea Association of the Unit-  is relatively low in these countries. But in the United
                                                            famously dumped crates of tea into Boston Har-                  ed  States  report,  each  day,  over  159  million   States,  labor  costs  are  much  higher.  This  makes  it
                                                            bor in protest of the high taxes imposed on them                Americans  drink  tea.  What’s  more,  Mintel’s   difficult for U.S. tea growers because on the one hand,
                                                            by  the  British  government.  This  event  came  to            “Coffee and RTD Coffee 2021” report found that   they have to charge high prices for their tea in order
                                                            be known as the “Boston Tea Party”.                             the young generation (Generation Z) consumes   to make a profit, but on the other hand, U.S. consum-
                                                                After the Revolution, tea drinking declined                 the  most  amount  of  tea,  with  nearly  one-third   ers are used to paying relatively low prices for tea.
                                                            in popularity in the United States. This was due                drinking  it  on  a  daily  basis.  Gen  Xers  (ages  30   This  presents  a  challenge  for  the  U.S.  tea
                                                            in part to the fact that tea was still associated               to 50), Baby Boomers (51 to 70), and Millennials   growers  who  wish  to  market  their  product.  Tea
                                                            with Britain and the colonial era. But it was also              are all less likely to drink tea than Generation Z   plants also require a warm, humid climate in order
                                                            because coffee became increasingly popular as                   was. The rise of other trends like RTD (Ready-  to grow properly. Unfortunately, there are not many
                                                            an alternative drink. In the mid-1800s, iced tea                To-Drink)  beverages  and  kombucha  have  also   regions in the United States that have these ideal
                                                            was  introduced  to  the  southern  United  States.             contributed to the growing popularity of tea. The   growing conditions. The southeastern United States
                                                            It  quickly  became  a  popular  summertime  bev-               health benefits of tea, as well as the fact that it   is one of the few regions where tea plants can be
                                                            erage, and it remains so to this day. Iced tea is               can  be  enjoyed  hot  or  cold,  make  it  a  beverage   grown successfully. But even so, the possibility of
                                                            now  consumed  throughout  the  United  States,                 that appeals to a wide range of people.     crop failure is always a risk.

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