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 Just like Blue Bottle, many coffee brands use coher-
 ent color for their brand logo, to cafe design and coffee
 merchandise. Color sets the mood for brand expression,
 and the emphasis on color through the whole design in-
 creases customers’ brand awareness. However, among all,
 the  use  of  color  in  coffee  packaging  overrides  others.
 According to recent research in AIMI Journal, the color
 of packaging makes a significant contribution to altering
 potential customers’ buying desires and preferences. Most
 of the time, we get snap judgments about a coffee brand
 based on the color of the packaging. Colors are like the
 representative of coffee brands, especially specialty coffee
 brands who want to stand out in the market. They do not
 need powerpoint presentations or pages of briefings to
 tell  the  consumers  what  the  brand  is,  what  is  the  core
 concept  behind  it.  The  color  itself  can  already  tell  the
 whole story.

 Color as Brand Representative
              which are immersed in red. At first glance, the bright red
 Reesaw design studio is among those who believe   will give you a visual shock. It leaves a strong first im-
 in the power of color in the design. Established in 2015,   pression in consumers’ minds and immediately helps them
 Reesaw is a cutting-edge creative design agency focusing   understand the brand’s concept.
 on new consumption areas. The studio strives to provide   Yin explained the idea of using the color red: “Our
 innovative and differentiated design solutions for brands.   color logic is straightforward for RED SEED CAFE. We
 Their customers include some of well-known food and   helped our client come up with the brand name. When
 beverage brands, such as Colin Coffee and FreshHema.   we named it, we hoped to return to the original state of
 Colors play an important role in all their packaging design.   coffee fruit — red. The extension of the use of red as an
 If you take a glimpse of their official website, you might   embellishment helps present the sense of quality brought
 even be overwhelmed by the saturated playful colors.  by the brand.”
 “The founder and I are both very clear about the   While sometimes one simple color has the power
 purpose and concept of our design agency. As most of   to assist in establishing a coffee brand, other times, a mix
 our creative design targets young people, we believe that   of color palettes will be the key to making the specialty
 color expression plays an extremely essential role in our   coffee  out  of  sight.  With  the  rise  of  online  shopping,
 design. We want to be imaginative and bold in color. In   many  specialty  coffee  brands  abandon  the  traditional
 applying colors, we always try to find a unique expression   brick-and-mortar way and embrace virtual channels to
 according to the brand’s positioning. But at the same time,   sell their coffee.
 we also continue to calibrate the accuracy of color ex-  In fact, specialty instant coffee is changing the game
 pression  for  a  brand  until  we  find  the  right  color  to   in China’s coffee market. Mintel Food and Drink found   As more and more specialty coffee brands enter the
 represent it.” Yin Songhua, the art director of Reesaw told   out that 58% of Chinese consumers drank instant coffee   game, differentiation is vital for brands in this market.
 CTI in the interview.  at least once a week, while 26% consumed it at least once   An outstanding colorful packaging becomes a panacea to
 One of Reesaw’s most recent projects for the coffee   a day in 2018. As the competition becomes fiercer in the   win the heart of the younger consumers, who are the main
 brand RED SEED CAFE is a good demonstration of its   field, the quality and standard for specialty instant cof-  force of online consumption.
 color philosophy in creative design. RED SEED CAFE was   fee are growing. Consumers cannot be satisfied by the   Take another one of Reesaw’s designs for the on-
 founded in Yangzhou, China. The founder was attracted   classic Nestlé instant coffee anymore. They are looking   line-only Chinese coffee brand David Choice as an exam-
 by the vibrant red color of coffee berries during his glob-  for  something  with  a  fresher  coffee  taste.  During  the   ple.  Apart  from  the  signature  “V”  icon,  the  packaging
 al  travels  to  explore  the  coffee  universe  and  therefore   Chinese Double 11 online e-commerce shopping festival   color is definitely the other linchpin to help the brand
 named his own coffee brand “Red Seed”. Needless to say,   in 2020, Saturnbird — one of China’s most famous spe-  stand out from the crowd in China’s competitive online
 red is the primary color tone for the whole brand design.   cialty  coffee  brands  —  took  first  place  in  the  instant   retail channel. Orange with blue, green, and purple, Da-
 The red dots spread from the coffee shop to their paper   coffee category on China’s biggest e-commerce platform   vid’s Choice packaging chooses a series of highly saturat-
 bag. Some of the designs even get bolder with the color,   Tmall. This was the first time Nestlé had been beaten in   ed contrasting colors. The bold contrasting colors make
 such as the take-out paper cup and the cup carrier tray,   more than 30 years.  the products more eye-catching for young consumers.

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