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Day and night, Tea Makes Life Midday Tea High Tea
It’s also called “tea break”. Hunger usu- It’s also called five o’olock tea, origi-
ally strikes around three o’clock in the after- nating from a 19th century custom among
A Briton’s passion for tea is reflected in
noon, and that’s why the tea break becomes the working class or in the countryside. A
their drinking schedule, dubbed as their “rest
important. At this time, you can have a bit of woman would brew a cup of hot tea when
index”. Do you know how many times a day a
bread and snacks with a cup of hot tea. Do you she prepared dinner for her husband and
Briton drinks tea? Eight! They grab a cuppa once
feel low blood sugar sometimes in the office children after a day’s heavy work, in order
they wake up in the morning, and they enjoy it
around this time? Don’t forget to leave your- to shake off their fatigue. As the dinner was
even before their bed time.
self ten minutes for a cup of hot tea to soothe mainly with meat, it is also called “meat tea”
your hard-working spirit. or “ham tea”. The name of “high tea” is de-
Early Morning Tea
rived from the high-backed chair in which
It’s also called “bed tea”. In the morning, Afternoon Tea children sat.
when you wake up with drowsy eyes and un-
It dates back to the mid-19th century, After-Dinner Tea
grounded feet, your considerate partner has
when Countess Anna Maria called on three to
prepared a hot cup of tea. You can slouch on the
five friends to kill time together at about four After dinner, the family sits together on
comfy bed, reading the newspaper or magazines
o’clock because she hated the long lunch-din- a comfy sofa to chat over tea. A good rest in
over the warm, romantic sip. This tradition still
ner interval. Over time, the event became a the pleasant atmosphere also helps to sleep
goes on today. To show their chivalry and love,
social culture between the aristocracy and has tight at night. This is also very much like the
many gentlemen insist bringing a cup of tea for
continued to this day, presenting as luxurious modern habit of entertaining friends with a
their wife having a lie-in, even when they are
tea parties and home-ish ones. This is the cup of tea after a dinner party, which not only
running late for work.
origin of the Victorian afternoon tea. Since promotes emotional communication, but also
the afternoon tea normally goes with snacks draws a nice end to the gathering.
Breakfast Tea
with low nutritional value on a short-legged Instead of saying British life can’t go
tea table, it is also known as “low tea”. without tea, we shall say their life is about tea.
Classic English black tea can’t be absent at a
British breakfast. With hot milk and a little bit of
sugar, both young and old love a bit of milky tea with
their breakfast. Lemon slices are also a good topping
if you like. Gulp down a mug of the thick and mellow
milk tea, and kick off the day in full swing.
Morning Tea Break
Also known as elevenses, a pre-noon drink.
Though Britons go to work quite early in the
morning, they can’t have lunch until 1 pm.
Around eleven o’clock, when the work at hand
is over, they intentionally set aside some time
for rest, by having a cup of black tea with snacks
to shift the mood and chatting with coworkers.
Housewives just finishing their household
chores at this time also sit down to have a cup
of hot tea, take a break, and reboot themselves
for better efficiency.
Lunch Tea
Unlike their Asian peers, Britons prefer
simple lunch, such as sandwiches, potatoes, fried
fish and other light food. The meal plus a cup
of black tea makes a nice lunch tea.
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