Page 22 - CTI84_EN
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         Growth of coffee, adventure of brand                                                                                                      “Barista, namely coffee maker.

             Not merely a representative of brand culture and                                                                           DOE hopes every barista in DOE can
         life attitude, DOE’s coffee shows their commitment to
         specialty coffee. Since the settling down of its physi-                                                                             find more than coffee, developing
         cal store, DOE has been insisting on selected coffee
         beans and self-roast. Beans of various origins such as                                                                         themselves based on what they find
         Colombia,  Mantnin,  Kenya,  Sidamo  and  Papua  New
         Guinea have all made appearances here. Baristas ir-                                                                        interesting, what they take as hobbies
         regularly  run  tests  and  tune  the  flavors  repeatedly,
         designing a roast curve welcoming for youthful tastes;                                                                      and what they are especially good at.
         Probat  is  used  for  roast  batch  after  batch  of  beans.                                                             They can explore a huger potential and
         Now, DOE’s trademark blending has been updated to
         TIGER STRIPE.                                                                                                                 possibility.” DOE said, “Everyone is a
             As for bean selection and presentation, “We have
         made many adjustments on roast degree, bean origins                                                                                                    most unique individual.”
         and proportions. We have improved the balance and
         sweetness of blended beans and kept a steady update

                                                          of single beans. Many frequent customers find their
                                                          favorite  fixed  flavor,  so  we  keep  the  regular  beans
                                                          while selecting new flavors for seasonal choices. We
                                                          hope  to  share  beans  that  we  have  tried  with  good
                                                          flavors.” a team member claims.
                                                              That’s why special drinks with alcohol, soda and
                                                          juice are found on the menu. In DOE’s view, the fast-
                                                          paced urban life pushes us to take in more caffeine
                                                          during the daytime to stay awake, while relaxing with
                                                          a drink after a long day’s work. The moderate “morn-
                                                          ing coffee and evening alcohol” has becoming a life
                                                          habit more than a lifestyle.
                                                              From  Shanghai  to  Shenzhen,  different  stores
                                                          present  different  urban  atmospheres.  “Shanghai  is
                                                          always accelerating its pace, making its people feel
                                                          breathless.  Shenzhen  is  not  any  slower,  but  maybe
                                                          the  warm  climate  helps,  limiting  the  year  to  just
                                                          spring and summer. Shanghai has delved deeper in
                                                          segmented fashion culture, but Shenzhen enthusias-
                                                          tically  embraces  and  curiously  explores  fashion
                                                          culture like its youth.”

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