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Eventually, pet-friendly frozen snacks Homemade Melon Sherbert
Serving: 50g
began to get a regular supermarket aisle Ingredients & Tools:
all over the world. • 13cm x 18cm food-grade zip lock bag
• 150g of melon, deseeded and skin discarded (honeydew or cantaloupe both work)
• 1 tablespoon unsweetened, unflavored homemade or store-bought soy milk
• Mint for garnish (optional)
From here, an interest in these treats began to evolve from Billy + Margot from Europe launched iced treats for dogs with a 1) Use a handheld or kitchen blender to puree the melon
powdered mixes These packets aren’t just convenient (they don’t special emphasis on health and nutrition and was even rated one 2) Put puree into a saucepan on low heat to remove water until it thickens
3) Mix in soy milk until combined
need to be kept in freezers), they’re also portable which makes of the United Kingdom’s top dog food brands one year. In the
4) Transfer mixture to a zip lock bag and press flat
for easier shipping. Pet Winery, a United States-based online United States, Ben & Jerry’s launched Doggie Desserts in Pontch’s 5) Freeze for at least 4-5 hours until mixture is completely frozen
store has set up a virtual ‘Pet Creamery’ to sell pet ice cream Mix (pretzel & peanut butter) and Rosie’s Batch (pumpkin 6) Remove and let thaw slightly to loosen shape into sherbert texture
mixes in the Barking Bacon flavor for dogs, which blends non- cookie) flavors which were named after 2 dogs who accompany 7) Serve in moderation using a bowl; garnish with mint (optional)
dairy soft serve with real goat milk and bacon, and the first-ev- the brand’s human employees to work. In recent years, coconut Tips:
er ‘Screaming Bonito’ flavor for cats using a blend of real goat milk has become a popular alternative to animal-based milk. SO • This recipe is for healthy adult dogs who are not allergic to these ingredients
milk and bonito (fish) flakes. Ollie’s Frosty Scoops is Indonesia’s COCO, a vegan ice cream shop from Hong Kong, took note of • To speed up thawing, soak bag in room temp water or leave at room temp for a
first lactose-free powder mix brand and comes in recognizable this to create doggy ice cream in unconventional flavors such as few minutes
flavors like red velvet. Want something more decadent for your black sesame. This marked an entryway for other companies in • Make sure mixture in saucepan is cool below handling
four-legged friends? Unipro, an Italian-based cat and dog food the Asia Pacific region to venture into the pet-friendly frozen • Before making this recipe, check with a veterinarian to ensure your pet’s medica-
tion will not interfere with ingredients
maker, sells gelato mixes for pets produced in Italy. Bel- desserts market with their own Asian-inspired tastes. In South • Recipe measurements are directional. Please adjust according to your dog’s phys-
gium-based Smooft sells a popsicle mix that comes with edible America, Le Glacé from the Colombian city of Medellín offers ical condition
joy sticks which reduces waste and makes bonding time with delicious and functional ice cream for dogs that contain vitamins • When serving for the first time, it’s recommended to let your dog try a bite before
pets more eco-friendly. Cat ice cream, known as ‘meowsicles’ or like fiber to control obesity, improve cardiovascular health, and the full amount
‘catsicles’, gained attention in a different way. In 2015, a video strengthen bones.
went viral online of a cat licking a popsicle, then inadvertently As human preference for frozen desserts pivoted from
gets a brain freeze. It then makes a face of horror and an odd indulgent and creamy to something more health-conscious, the
sound in what could only be interpreted as pain. People started pet food industry also made the shift using yogurt for its high
to wonder if they should also start giving iced treats to their cats probiotic and nutrition levels. While it’s still dairy, yogurt con-
to record their funny reactions (please don’t try this at home as tains a lot less lactose and is much easier for animals to digest.
it isn’t good for the animal). In another less harmful incident, a It’s noted that pets should only have low-fat or non-fat plain
Japanese social media movement started in the summer of 2018 yogurt in small amounts and only if it’s without xylitol. Frozzy’s,
when owners needed to find a solution for their cats who from Northern Ireland, offers frozen yogurt treats in portions
wouldn’t drink from bowls as temperatures scorched the coun- that are designed for slow consumption to limit a dog’s calories
try. So, people started making DIY mini ice pops by mixing cat or fat intake while providing necessary mental stimulation. On
food and water into an ice tray with toothpicks or popsicle sticks, average, the brand says, it takes a pup about 10-15 minutes to
then freezing them to create a cooling snack. Other homemade lick through a single pot, giving it a slow and steady stream of
meowsicle recipes recommend using fish (tuna or salmon) and entertainment and satisfaction throughout snack time.
their juices or water to make a mixture for the freezer. Or turn If you’re looking for a different take on pet-friendly fro-
dinnertime into a game for your cat by filling an ice tray with zen treats, consider making your own! Ayako Ichikawa is a
fish or chicken stock and add cat food to the center of the mix- popular homemade dog food creator from Japan who started
ture where they must lick through the stock to hydrate before studying dog nutrition when one of her pups fell sick. “Nutrition Recipe and photo courtesy of
reaching the prize in the center. is necessary for daily life but it’s hard to understand it by using Ayako Ichikawa いちかわあやこ
Eventually, pet-friendly frozen snacks began to get a reg- words,” she says, “so, I started making my own recipes for my
ular supermarket aisle all over the world. Grocery stores like the dog.” Ayako shares with us a refreshing snack she makes for
budget-friendly chain Aldi began selling its own version of her papillon pups on a hot summer day to help them stay hy-
seasonal doggie ice cream under its in-house label Heart to Tail. drated and entertained.
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