Page 113 - CTI83_EN
P. 113


 Veterinary specialists recommend that treats, regardless of their                                        ©
 “healthy” or “natural” labels, are given to complement a pet’s diet and
 not as a replacement.

 Frozen Desserts

 th at are Paw-Li c kin’ Good

 P  ets have been part of human life for thousands of years. Middle Eastern

 nomadic hunters who adapted to farming communities some 8,000 years
 ago kept working dogs and cats around to ward off pests that disturbed
 crops.  Companion  animals  were  regularly  depicted  in  art  or  scriptures
 from history’s most important eras. In ancient Greece, dogs were kept as co-therapists
 in healing temples for their perceived ability to cure illness, which some believe to be
 the precursor to our modern practice of having therapy dogs. Pharaohs in ancient Egypt
 had pets as a status symbol. Emperors in China kept dogs that sometimes had their own
 servants while Roman leaders were avid pet keepers. Over the centuries, the relation-
 ship between people and pets continued to develop as society began to understand the
 positive effects that this bond can have on our health and psychological well-being.

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