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Can pets eat ice cream? Despite all this, frozen treats can still be beneficial for pets
in moderation because they can be the perfect calming stimulus
To answer the million-dollar question: Yes, pets can eat for dogs and cats in certain stressful situations. For them, the
ice cream, but they shouldn’t. Dogs shouldn’t consume ice act of licking releases endorphins which can help relieve anxiety
cream or similar products because their bodies aren’t designed in loud, unfamiliar environments or for when they’re scared
to digest milk after they’re weaned. Early on, puppies have the and lack mental/physical stimulation. When pets find relief in
enzyme needed to break down their mother’s milk, but after licking, it can turn into a habit. For common household pets,
that, they produce less lactase which is necessary to digest licking a refreshing snack takes the calming effect even further
milk sugar. Because of this, many adult dogs are lactose intol- as it can provide a longer taste experience compared to another
erant. They should also avoid dairy-based food because they regular snack or cookie.
often have high fat content that can cause pancreatitis. Ice
cream is also loaded with sugar which can lead to weight gain The beginning of a new trend
and obesity. Furthermore, common flavor additives like choc-
olate or raisin are dangerous to pups. Sugar-free or low-sugar North America first put pet-friendly iced desserts on the
alternatives can be dangerous as well since they sometimes supermarket circuit when Nestlé acquired a brand called Frosty
contain xylitol, a sweetener that is extremely toxic to dogs. A Paws in the 1980s as the first frozen treat for dogs introduced
similar guideline goes for cats, who are, by nature, obligate in the United States. Global retailers then made pet-friendly
carnivores meaning that they must have diets consisting almost desserts mainstream when Starbucks launched the Puppuccino
entirely of meat. Therefore, cats don’t have the digestive en- (whipped cream served in an espresso or sample size cup).
zymes or the gut flora to process other types of food like dairy, Adorable photos of dogs licking out of mini Starbucks cups
making most cats lactose intolerant. Curiously enough, felines started to take the internet by storm as pets everywhere found
don’t have taste buds that respond to sweetness in food. What a way to keep themselves entertained while their humans went
attracts them to sugar-infused foods, however, is the high fat on a caffeine run. Other chains soon followed suit: Dunkin’
and carbohydrate content which they love. Despite what’s been Donuts with Puppy Lattes which is whipped cream in a cup;
portrayed in movies or cartoons of cats drinking a bowl of Dairy Queen with Pup Cups which is a dog treat tucked in a
fresh milk, veterinarians don’t recommend that they consume small portion of vanilla soft serve ice cream; Shake Shack with
dairy products at all. While these are the warnings, it’s gener- the Pooch-ini, made of dog biscuits and vanilla custard. Though
ally fine if your pet has a couple licks of these desserts, though only at select locations, a massive reception to pet-friendly
anything more would be a concern. desserts started to materialize.
Pet ownership on the rise
According to a 2021 study from Rakuten Insights, more
than half of people in the Asia Pacific region have a pet in
their home. In the United States, expenditure on pets and pet Hugo & Celine
products has consistently increased ever year, and it’s esti-
mated that 67 percent of American households contain at Hugo & Celine produces yogurt
least one pet. The same trend is present across the pond: the ice cream in non-traditional
consumption on pet services and products in Europe saw an flavors like Slick Salmon and
increase of 7.6 percent in 2020 alone compared to the year Magic Moose, utilizing organic
and locally-grown Swedish
prior. Surely this upward tick can be attributed to many of us
ingredients. Repurpose the cups
who went to find solace in an animal pal after feeling isolated as a water bowl after the treats
or lonely throughout the global pandemic. Alongside this are finished!
More than half lifestyle shift, we also see more companies innovatively ven-
ture into the world of pet food. Some are creating new prod-
of people in Asia ucts with unexpected ingredients whereas others are finding
brilliant ways to upgrade existing concepts. These days, we
Pacific have a pet noticed many trends mirroring human preferences. Clean
labels and recyclable packaging? Done. Protein alternatives
in their home. for weight control? Check. Organic and vegan options? Yes.
Pet-friendly ice cream? Hang on, pets can eat ice cream?
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