Page 92 - CTI80_EN
P. 92
Jalan Pantai Berawa No. 24, Tibubeneng, Kec.
Kuta Utara, Kabupaten Badung, Bali 80361
Mon - Sun 08:30 - 15:30
Cafe Vida
Dark walls, high ceilings, and chic decor make Cafe are organic, locally sourced, and grown on small-scale
Vida instantly elegant, an elevated take on Balinese cafe farms without the use of any chemicals or fertilizers. Even
culture that really draws on local influences and empha- better, the entire menu is palm oil, refined sugar, wheat
sizes a deep love for the environment. Early in the morn- flour, GMO and MSG free.
ing, the low beat of a Latin song is already thrumming. Their very own Vida Blend makes for a stunning flavor
The counter is stocked with shelves of protein balls and in any espresso-based drink, of which they have many—ris-
raw chocolate bars in front, superfood powders and plant- trettos, mochaccinos made with raw organic cacao and
based protein behind. honey, and unique options like Mexican spiced iced coffees.
While many of Bali’s cafes have embraced a more Cafe Vida is also deeply involved in community out-
Western aesthetic, Cafe Vida sets itself apart as a boutique reach and support. The production of their recyclable to-go
spot located within a traditional Balinese compound. The bags and straws has been outsourced to an orphanage in
back side of the restaurant opens out to the burnt orange Denpasar that supports homeless women and children,
walls with intricate carved details that are so character- generating income for those that need it most. Any organic
istic of the island’s residential areas.The menu is equally waste produced by the restaurant is returned to the same
impressive, boasting pages upon pages of nutritious op- farmers that provide their produce, composted, and used
tions packed with lots of greens, proteins, and healthy to grow the next batch of yummy goods. Now that’s a cafe
carbs.All of their fresh fruits, veggies, and coffee beans you can feel good about eating at.
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