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But what can the hospitality
industry do in VR? Is there a way
for coffee at all?
Shannon: “When creating the compa-
THE CASES life. Let’s say you already own a VR headset, ny, we ask ourselves: what would it look like
and your favorite coffee shops and coworking to bring the two ends of the coffee supply
Back in 2017, Google’s Daydream Labs spaces all have their VR spaces—wouldn’t it chain together? To create a social and finan-
conducted an experiment. They’ve asked two be captivating to still ‘go’ there, even if you’re cial connection between coffee growers and
groups of people—complete newbies to cof- away? This concept could as well work for drinkers that actually rewards growers for
fee—to make a shot of espresso and a cup of nostalgic trips down the memory lane when their good decisions? We created a business
a latte using professional equipment after you can’t visit the actual place with your loved model by which we return revenue from
undergoing training—either in VR or by ones but can still go there in VR. Spoiler: it’s every coffee purchase back to the farmer
watching a video tutorial. Actual proper 2019, and a company called Immersed launch- who grew it. And we invite growers to share
testing with a coffee machine came shortly es a public VR co-working space designed for their identity and story with their end cus-
after. A VR group of trainees usually went remote collaborations. And the idea of shared tomers, illustrating what better livelihoods
through the process twice before pulling a public environments doesn’t sound as far- mean for them and their community. VR was
coffee shot in real life. The virtual model of fetched anymore. one of the best mediums we could imagine
a 2-group La Marzocco GB5 espresso machine Back to our days and onto the sensory to create an immersive experience for cus-
and a Mazzer Super Jolly grinder included agenda. On December 3rd, 2020, a study called tomers to connect them with the growers
some tactile feedback, life touching buttons, “A Dash of Virtual Milk: Altering Product Color and build empathy.”
and included tamping as well. Video trainees, in Virtual Reality Influences Flavor Perception
on the other hand, tended to go through the of Cold-Brew Coffee” was published. It offers
instructions three times. The results showed you an exciting view of our biases and the pos-
that neither of the two groups could make sible benefits of multisensory dining and cup- Q&A It’s February
great coffee in the end, but the ones who used ping scenarios. The study involved 32 volun- 2 0 2 1, b ut
VR to train were more confident and reason- teers who had to have two cups of coffee while there still ar-
able in their doings. wearing a headset. As the subjects tasted the e n ’t m an y
Next is 2018, and a French startup coffees in the real world, their VR headsets cases of VR being used in the coffee
called Molotov with their VR coffeeshop showed them drinks in two colors: one dark THE INTERVIEW industry. How did you come up with the
“Molotov Café”. However, the idea of Molotov brown and one light brown. Aside from the idea of trying something as ground-
Café is not about the coffee shop nor the TV slight difference in sweetness, there was no Onda Origins is a coffee roasting and breaking as VR trips to the origin back
show you’re watching, but the shared mo- other change to the participants’ coffee. How- sourcing company from Seattle. The com- in 2018?
ment you have with your friends or family. ever, tasters admitted to perceiving 20% more pany has gained media attention after In 2016 we were in a coworking space with
It could be anything—news, late-night shows, ‘creaminess’ in the coffee shown through VR launching a VR and blockchain campaign in other start-ups, including a VR company
sports matches or cooking programs, etc. The to be a lighter brown. As small and limited as order to achieve a more sustainable environ- (Chronos Global Academy). We decided to
point is — sitting in comfortable virtual re- this study is now, this technology’s future ment for the coffee growers. What was the collaborate on a VR tour of a coffee farm.
ality chairs and enjoying the content togeth- application could cover multisensory training general idea behind the project, did VR help Scott went to visit Enrique (one of the first
er while seeing each other in VR. As far- scenarios, reduce the sugar/salt/fat intake, and how did the customers react? To answer coffee growers we were working with) and
fetched as it may seem, this cafe actually and enable people to familiarize themselves all these questions, we’ve talked with Shan- brought an early 360 camera and Chronos
makes for a good concept, and that is—shared with new foods. And probably even do some non Keith—Director of Impact and Engage- helped us put together our first VR expe-
virtual environments you already love in real good to sourcing and Q-Graders’ training. ment from Onda Origins. rience and showcased it with us at events.
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