Page 128 - CTI80_EN
P. 128
Peak Extraction sprayhead for
ultimate uniformity of extraction
Simple,convenient recipe
programming via USB
Soft Heat® technology ensures
In addition, based on TTMs scientific out in alt dairy production and distribu- ideal holding temperatures and
knowledge, they can modify the properties tion, where traditional dairy might have
of Oleosome extracts and obtain ingredi- an upper hand so far. A lot of conven- optimal flavor for longer periods.
ents in the form of liquids, thick creams tional dairy companies have a great
or powders before distributing it to their distribution network and are well posi-
customers. The knowledge on the ex- tioned in the market as well as in the
traction and ingredient development minds of buyers.
processes is their strong proprietary know- Last but not least, branding is the
how and has high potential to be protected key. Here a brand needs to have some
with patents. consistent and coherent storyline that
your company is dedicated to healthy
Keys to Win and sustainable products. That is why,
sometimes it might seem a bit odd to
The main factor to future success for see major dairy players to launch plant-
plant-based industry is understanding and based lines.
developing emerging technologies. TTM is Here are some of the biggest brands
one of the examples of what plant-based to represent dairy-free options: Danone,
milk can be, but there are many more Unilever, Kaft Heinz, Kerry Group, Valio.
companies experimenting with textures, We shall see how these well-established LEARN MORE:
fermentation etc. Technology can be lev- companies will take the challenge to em-
eraged by focusing on high-potential R&D brace new tastes and fashion that is not
and listening to the customer need. just coming, but almost here, and that is
The second key is the need to stand led by smaller players like Oatly and Alpro.
20-11_Coffee_T&I_Infusion_SH_Ad_12_7_20.indd 1 12/15/20 10:08 AM