Page 55 - CTI 79_EN
P. 55

C  Story / Angela Eyla Cassisi

 A Cup of                Café & sales     Tiffany, where you can have a first-hand   third of China’s total consumers, were
                                              Like famous The Blue Box Café by
                                                                         responsible for an uptick in the Chi-
                                                                         nese market to 142 billion RMB in
                                          breakfast at Tiffany’s experience. An-
                      Fine-dining experiences also
                       make for good social media   other great example is  famous Chanel   sales in 2017, about 20 per cent high-
 High Fashion         these spaces popular. There   Café, which took over the popular Aunn   survey by Bain & Company.
                                          expansion in Shanghai in 2017: Coco
                                                                         er than the year before, based on a
                      moments, which helps make
                                          Cafe & Co. for 12 days, was less about
                        is a reluctance to use the
                                                                             As an eatery, café or hotel ap-
                           café to drive sales.
                                          caffeine addiction and more for fashion
                                          addicts, as it was purely a promotional   pealing to your target customer by
                                                                         offering a space where people can
                                          stunt for Chanel’s latest beauty prod-  congregate and potentially, even pas-
                                          ucts, namely ROUGE COCO GLOSS.   sively, interact with like-minded peo-
                                              The secrets of how to be success-  ple provides a 360°  brand experience,
                                          ful on the Asian markets still remain   builds a sense of belonging and helps
                                          a  mystery  to  many,  what  is,  on  the   increase brand awareness.
                                          other hand, very obvious, is that you   Louis Vuitton’s Le Café V did
                                          won’t be able to succeed unless you   it just right: located at the Maison’s
                                          approach those markets with a brutal-  new flagship store in Osaka, was
                                          ly open and flexible mindset.   opened in partnership with cele-
                                              China’s annual spending last   brated Japanese chef Yosuke Suga.
                                          year was over 500 billion RMB  The  French  brand has put aside its
                                          (7.4 billion USD) and represents al-  Nouvelle cousins pride and decided to
                                          most a third of the global luxury   rely on one of the country’s most cele-
 D  esigning a coffee shop or   Luxurious sense of belonging  report. Millennials, who make up one-  the Japanese soil.
                                                                         brated chefs to help boost its eatery on
                                          market, according to Mckinsey’s 2017
 a restaurant isn’t just
 about  getting  the  right
 Over the past couple of years,
 look or serving the best   the phenomenon of luxury labels
 coffee. It’s about creating an experi-  venturing into F&B sector has spread
 ence which not only shouts about the   to major cities around the world and
 prestige of your coffee, and how that   especially in Asia, with Chinese main-
 makes people feel good, but also an   land and Hong Kong being two of the
 experience which gives a double-shot   most penetrated markets, at 89% and
 boost to your brand.   81% respectively.
 In the modern realm of retail, the
 lines that define what is expected from
 brands have blurred. Brands are now
 looking to get customers talking and
 Instagramming to stay atop their minds
 by expanding past their associated
 categories and venturing into spaces
 they have not previously occupied.
 Opening an eatery has become a
 popular way for brands to provide an
 immersive experience for loyal cus-
 tomers and to introduce themselves                                                               Photo / melnychuk nataliya
 to new, maybe more shy ones. Yet, are
 these efforts anything more than a mix
 between modern marketing and van-
 ity, or do they actually have the po-
 tential to devalue a brand image?

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