Page 59 - CTI 79_EN
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                         set them apart from mainstream café   Customers will associate the
                         chains and allowed them to find   good sensations, feelings and memo-
                         their place in the overly saturated   ries they have of the experience with
                         coffee shop business.           the brand, the retailer and its merchan-
                             On the other hand, Fiat, the   dise. Most goods can be easily pur-
                         Italian car company that also fea-  chased online: consumers who opt-in
                         tures a with a clothing line, on the   for in person shopping prioritize un-
                         other hand, did not really hit the mark   forgettable experiences and unparal-
                         with its Hong Kong location at first.   leled customer service.
                         Customers were confused: the overall   This is especially true for the
                         design of the location did not speak to   Millennial demographic, a.k.a. ‘the
                         locals. Walking in front of the Hong   single most important demographic on
                         Kong location you could hear people   the planet today’ by Goldman Sachs,
                         wondering: “Is it a coffee shop? Is   who tends to place a premium on in-
                         it a car dealership?” The answer is:   teresting and novelty experiences that
                         it’s both. Fiat was just approaching   bring them closer to a brand.
                         the Chinese market and the brand
                         recognition was low and the prod-
                         uct and target were off.
                             The coffee culture in Asia has
                         been taking off in the recent years, but
                         the italian espresso, is definitely not
                         the best selling item in China, not even
                         close to the top five. America hit the
                         Chinese coffee market hard and suc-
                         cessfully with Starbucks, all that came
                         after is still struggling to find its niche.
             Photo /cleo vermij
                         What’s my take? It’s F&B
                         that’s is in fashion.

 Those new, younger customers   truly expose them to their target   Food trends are being analyzed
 may  not have the means to consis-  audience? Can these brands compete   by the main trend research agencies
 tently afford the latest designs, but   with mainstream café brands?   in the same way fashion trends are.
 they still appreciate the brand, rec-  WGSN and Business of Fashion have
 ognize its quality and will gladly   Coffee competition  recently started to explore and pro-
 spend money on a fancy high tea at   vide data, consumer behavior,
 the Brand’s statement location.  The Italian coffee giant Illy   trends and analysis of the F&B in-
 Louis Vuitton’s foray into the   successfully approached the foreign   dustry, just as they have been doing
 culinary sphere and Bvlgari’s ven-  market with its chain of coffee   with fashion for decades.
 ture into the hospitality business are   shops. Their philosophy and ap-  If it harmonizes well with the
 sure to excite followers of the brand,   proach were fairly rudimental, but   brand, then it is going to enhance that
 but may raise eyebrows from a busi-  effective: a cozy cafe environment   brand and cement the relationship
 ness risk perspective. Are these   with good coffee. A place for Italians   consumers have with the retailer. This
 brands in danger of diluting their   abroad and coffee lovers to enjoy   brings us back to this Simon Sinek’s
 business, especially if their food and   prime quality coffee and experience the   key-to-successful-marketing  quote:
 coffee quality is cheap and maybe   Italian coffee culture. This basic ap-  “People don’t buy what you do; they
 not very good? Is the move going to   proach, together with a quality product,   buy why you do it.”

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