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                 that a light blow can turn it into a green fog. Made with
                 tea powder at the right taste profile, the only a few mat-
                 cha desserts served in the store are perfect complements
                 for Chinese matcha.

                 Domestic Fashion with White Design  With the pure
                 white design and the silver gray tables and chairs, the space
                 is small yet not cramped. The staff uniforms are also in
                 white, which takes cues from traditional Tai-chi and tea
                 art custumes, and reflects Zheng’s wish to promote matcha
                 culture in an original and authentic way.
                     To get rid of the link between matcha and cute ACG
                 culture, Zheng designed the store logo in a seal shape,
                 aiming to interpret traditional element in a young and
                 modern fashion way, instead of replicating the outdated
                 shape of an old item.
                     “Some Japanese designs are too much and may make
                 men resist, as they may think the design is too cute and
                 feminine. The prefer masculine and sharp styles. So I try
                 to add male elements to remove the gender tag of milk tea
                 or matcha, to make it acceptable for everyone. ”

                 Transparent Demonstration Instead of  Trying by
                 Yourself  Zheng told us that the decay of matcha was
                 caused by the decisions of emperors in the Yuan and Ming
                 Dynasties. Tea art developed from boiling, frying to whisk-
                 ing, and became a high-class lifestyle for scholars and of-
  “All Chinese matcha that I have tried are bitter, but   Three Drinks Made with Advanced Domestic  Tea   ficials. However, Zhu Yuanzhang, the vulgar founder of the
 bitterness doesn’t decrease its flavor. Since ancient times,   Powder    In  less  than  half  a  year  since  Ting  He  Zheng   Ming Dynasty, decided to get rid of tea bread, making
 no matter how the market changed, the domain of bitterness   opened in August,  the update and  design  of the  matcha   matcha no longer fashionable and the stone grinder, the
 in tea flavor has never been shaken. The cost of getting rid   menu have been centered on three drinks: Chinese style,   major tool for tea grinding, once extinct.
 of the unpleasant flavor might be reduced nutrition.”  Matcha latte, and Matcha special. Zheng wants to learn from   The complicated matcha rituals may slow down the
 As Japanese matcha gets popular, however, the pattern in   the marketing effect of Americano, and apply the experi-  return of modern matcha. Ting He Zheng, as a rising star
 which people consume the drink has been led and shaped in a   ence to putting the tag of ‘Chinese’ on matcha.  in the industry, decides to avoid the pitfall of letting cus-
 very different way. A good example is the popular Starbucks   Though he always recommends Chinese matcha to   tomers try themselves. Instead, a staff member makes the
 Green Tea Frappuccino. The drink has ‘alienated’ matcha as a   customers, he gradually, during the uptrend phase of the   drink in five minutes behind the transparent glass to show
 color, a flavor that adds extra taste, and an ingredient that can   store, adjusted to public taste and introduced matcha latte   basic steps, enticing curious customers to watch how their
 be processed with cream and other bakery materials.   to satisfy those who are used to new style tea drinks and   order is made.
 This case shows that the seemingly large demand for   milky coffee. The  mild flavor of this mixed  drink may   On the shop window right opposite the road are dis-
 matcha is not for the drink itself, but its possibility to be   entice customers to have a further try.  played matcha tools, which attract passers-by’s attention
 applied in various ways. This trend echos with the change   Matcha special is an innovative mix of matcha and   against the transparent glass and the strong sunshine.
 in the Japan Ice Cream Association’s ‘Customers’ Favorite   sparkling water or a cocktail. To fit the neighbouring sleep-
 Ice Cream Flavors 2015’, where matcha flavor which used   less and bustling night life, Zheng regularly changes the   Making a standard specific for matcha
 to be the fifth in 2010 rose to the third.  recipe for the special drink, making it a fun choice for
 returning customers. The retailed matcha beer is also pop-  Every cup of matcha drink in Ting He Zheng is
 Modern return of chinese matcha  ular among customers.  eligible for tea competition popular in the Song Dy-
 The current matcha comes from Shaoxing Royal Tea   nasty, which judges tea quality based on elements like
 Ting He Zheng intends to use a modern and innovative   Village. It stands out for its strong taste, and only 4 to 5   water temperature, grinding time and bubble thickness.
 way to bring back Chinese matcha made by whisking tea,   grams of powder is enough to make a cup of deep green   Currently, Zheng only carries on tea competition ir-
 a traditional technique in the Song Dynasty.   matcha drink with a rich aroma. The powder is so delicate   regularly in the making process.

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