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Made from earth,
perfected by water
Future of Coffee place are paying dividends as roasters are
welcoming these unique and special coffees
Coffee quality is improving and stan- into their offerings. Sample Coffee in Aus-
dards are increasing across the country. tralia offered high praise for their PNG
Plantations like Baroida Estate, Boana Es- coffee: “From never ever having Papua New
tate, Sigri, Nowek, and many more are push- Guinea coffees on our shelves to offering
ing the envelope on what is possible for the second in a year, this talks loads about
quality from the region. Regional coffees are the focus shift in this country’s coffee pro-
also starting to be identified as unique and duction, where many farmers have realized
special. It is common to find coffees such the value of elevating their processing 100% COLOMBIAN COFFEE
as Lamari region that are representing an methods and finding partners within the
outstanding value coffee for roasters across global specialty coffee industry… Boana is One of the best-decaffeinated coffees in the world, due to its natural
the world. an example of this potential: Its clean and decaffeination process Swiss Water®. This 100% chemical free process
As the transition from plantation run gentle taste makes us dream of some of the uses pure water to gently removes up to 99.9% of caffeine, keeping the
to smallholder operated continues, the gov- best Colombians we’ve ever had. It is great attributes of the highest-quality green coffee beans.
ernment is investing in supporting these to see how countries that are closer to Aus- SWISS WATER AND SWISS WATER LOGO are registered trademarks of Swiss Water Decaffeinated CoffeeInc., used under license.
smallholders with agronomy training and tralia like PNG and East Timor are starting
standards formation. Rainforest Alliance, to produce a high-quality coffee that we are
Organic, UTZ, and Fair Trade are quite proud to serve.”
common certifications to find, and these There is a lot of excitement for the future
coffees are a great option for markets that of coffee in Papua New Guinea. A people rich *Trademark registered by the Colombian Coffee Growers Federation - FoNC
value these types of coffees. in culture, language, and life shines through
Even though there have been some in the unique and special coffees they pro-
challenges as it relates to consistent quality duce. Next time you sit down and enjoy a cup
year-to-year, the work being done on the of coffee from this region let it transport you
ground to improve quality as well as the to the untapped beauty nestled in the Asia-Pa-
quality control protocols being put into cific region. Give us a call +57 (6) 8500700 ext. 7327 or visit
and let´s make business together.