Page 42 - CTI75_EN
P. 42
A Big Issue for Millennials
Donia, an expert in how CSR affects em-
ployees, said it’s a big issue for Millennials, who
more and more expect their bosses to be good
corporate citizens. So, coffee and tea shop
owners, where young people are often em-
ployed, might want to take note.
“It’s more and more the younger genera-
tions that are driven by values of ethics and
integrity and giving back to the community and
social welfare,” Donia said.
Donia finds many young people now care
more about being proud of who they work for,
than they do about salary or the type of job
they have. Good CSR will be reflected in em-
ployees’ motivation and even job performance.
“When they see the organization going
above and beyond and trying to do good, they
themselves in turn will want to pay that forward
to their organizations… There’s actually a real
pay-off in terms of your employees.”
Whatever You Do, Don’t Fake It Small Things Can Make a Bi
Photo / Toa Heftiba
But, Donia warned, CSR done for the
wrong reasons can have the opposite effect on A small cafe or coffee shop might not have
both employees and customers, noting people a lot of resources to devote to CSR. Not a prob-
can be cynical, and even turn off a brand, if lem according to Donia. Good corporate citi-
they get the sense that a business or person is zenship can be achieved through small acts of
really doing something for their own benefit. kindness at a community level. It could be as
Donia pointed to previous research into simple as supporting a food bank with dona-
CSR in marketing that found consumers will tions of leftover food or offering remaining
distinguish between what they see as val- sandwiches to homeless people in the commu-
ues-driven CSR — a genuine desire to do good nity at the end of trading.
— and egoistic-driven CSR — an attempt to “The best examples of CSR are probably
boost reputation or increase profit through the ones that happen that we don’t necessarily
what might be seen as ‘fake’ concern towards know about,” Donia said. And her advice to a
the community. business owner thinking about how to begin
“More and more we care about the reasons with CSR:
for why people and organizations do things,” “Knowing what we know about the effects
Donia explained, adding that people will often on employees, the importance of doing the right
make an assessment about an organization by thing for the right reason, I would suggest the
looking at it as if it were a person. starting point is to get together with employees
“When we see the organization as a per- and have everyone decide together. Make this
son we care as much about the motive as we do something where you identify a meaningful
about what they’re doing. So, CSR affects an need in your community and come up with
organization positively when people see that something together that everyone gets excited
organization as a good corporate citizen.” about and can feel proud of doing.”
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