Page 40 - CTI75_EN
P. 40
C Story / Louise Reynolds . Illustration / Zitao
Citizens Can Win
T here’s a lot a business owner has ly involves an organization making a positive
to think about. From developing
contribution towards improving the environ-
a product range and branding,
part of its core business.
finding a way to stand out from ment and/or helping the community that is not
the crowd, marketing, and social media to re- According to Associate Professor Magda
cruiting and training employees; it’s enough to Donia of the University of Ottawa, Canada,
make your head spin. some definitions of CSR also include some form
With people around the world becoming of moral judgement about the need to give or
increasingly concerned about the environmen- contribute that is selfless; the business does not
tal and social impacts of industry, people expect anything in return.
running a business, including coffee and tea In the coffee industry, there are examples
shop owners, also need to think about what of CSR at the global level, such as the Fair Trade
type of corporate citizens they will be. That movement, and at community level, where, for
means giving thought to Corporate Social Re- example, some small coffee shops promote the
sponsibility (CSR). use of ‘keep cups’ to reduce the number of
While definitions of CSR vary, it typical- single-use cups ending up in landfill.
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