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Year Invented in Japan in 1921, you will be surprised to is glass. “HARIO’s heatproof glass is a gift
1948/ discover its strength as well as preference in from nature, which is made of environmen-
tal-friendly ingredients like silica sands,”
making glassware. HARIO launched the cof-
fee syphon in 1948 as a step into the house-
Zhou shared. “It’s recyclable with no harm
hold product market, especially the coffee
industry. For over half a century, syphon has to the Earth. It’s about glass technology and
ideas for an enjoyable life.”
maintained its popularity because it turns Today, HARIO is the only heatproof
coffee making into a laboratory-like experi- glass manufacturer with a factory in the
ment for people to watch with fun. The look country, boasting a wide range of coffee
of a syphon may not change much as time goes related products from coffee brewers,
by, but the size varies to work for both coffee grinders, kettles to paper filters. If you
shops and home users. HARIO released Mini- visit Tokyo, you are highly recommended
phon, the world’s smallest coffee syphon for to visit the brand’s dedicated showroom:
[3] World Brewers Cup Brew with HARIO With a diversity of materials on the single-serve. The main materials for a syphon HARIO Cafe & Lampwork Factory .
winners using a V60 market, the V60 has multiple colors and
In the past decade, five World Brewers materials available to meet consumer needs
2017 Chad Wang of Taiwan, China
Cup Championships (WBrC) were won from different regions: Plastic, Ceramic,
2016 Tetsu Kasuya of Japan
2015 Odd-Steinar Tøllefsen of Norway by baristas competing with V60, a coffee Glass, and Metal. “The choice of colors and
2014 Stefanos Domatiotis of Greece dripper developed by renowned Japanese materials is taken into account when we de-
2012 Matt Perger of Australia company HARIO in 2004. Known for de- sign/launch products for a certain country,”
livering a bright clean cup, the dripper was Zhou explained. “For example, plastic ma-
named after the V-shape and the angle of terials might not be favored by consumers
60 degrees. The innovative spiral ribs allow in a few countries.” At HARIO, the prefer-
coffee grounds to expand and the layer of ence of such details as size, color, and
air created between the paper filter and the materials of product is widely surveyed and
dripper to release. The large single hole in then reported to product managers. “Espe-
the bottom of the cone gives paper filter cially during the exhibitions, where we can
the space to mimic the extraction of a cloth get direct feedback from consumers from
filter. All these design details make the V60 different countries. Such information will
a favorite coffee brewer by both profession- be recorded as references for overseas prod-
al baristas and home users. uct launch.” In 2018, HARIO launched a
“The design philosophy at HARIO is an limited edition of the V60 ceramic version
aesthetic combination of simplicity and featuring five new colors (Matt Black, Matt
functionality. And it is safe to use,” said White, Pink, Turquoise Blue, and Indigo
Charlie Zhou, managing director of HARIO Blue) for its UK market.
Co. Ltd. and HARIO (Asia), general manager Furthermore, Zhou pointed out that
of Hario (Shanghai). “The philosophy re- “consumers from China, Japan, South Korea,
mains the same regardless of time.” and western countries enjoy coffee different-
In fact, the idea of the V60 firstly ly due to the difference in culture, habit,
sprouted in the 1980s when trapezoid-shaped weather, and work and life environment”. In
coffee drippers dominated the Japanese Japan and South Korea, chilled water is a
market. After some 25 years, the original favorite daily beverage, which makes iced
ceramic V60 was introduced to the market coffee popular. HARIO’s Filter-in Coffee
as HARIO designers revisited the method to Bottle, an easy-to-use cold brew maker and
invent the V60. The product is manufactured server, just does the job perfectly for local
using Arita yaki, porcelain made from fine coffee lovers. “On the other hand, the coffee
clay in the town of Arita, Japan — a place culture is deeply rooted in western culture. [4] HARIO Cafe &
famous for its ceramics. The unclouded, clear People love to make coffee themselves, by Lampwork Factory
ceramic gives the V60 a sleek finish. Believe either hand-drip or automatic machine,” he
1-12-15, Nihonbashi
it or not, this ceramic production method has concluded, “A fast yet good coffee.”
-Muromachi, Chuo-ku,
a history of 400 years. The ceramic V60 is If you dig into the history of HARIO, Tokyo, Japan
still produced in Arita. the heatproof glass manufacturer established 11:00-18:00
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