Page 90 - #64 eng 电子版
P. 90

c    Origin

                                                 Ajjamada, C. &
                                                Albertus B. Eskes.
                                             Coffee Rust: Epidemiology,
                                            Resistance, and Management.
                                             CRC Press, Inc. (1989) 178.

        and pulping, wet coffee in parchment may be sold to   While volcanic island coffee produced throughout the
        the processor (or middleman) for milling. Once   world may share certain characteristics like lower acidity
        stripped of its protective parchment shell, the coffee   and earthy sweetness, Indonesian coffee has its own pecu-
        then finishes drying for export. This method leaves its   liarities. In particular Sumatra, unlike most of the other
        mark on the distinctive jade-like color of Sumatran   Pacific islands, has retained the tradition of wet hulling.
        coffees, as well as their funky, earthy flavors, un-  The distinctive flavor of this process, combined with re-
        matched elsewhere on the globe.                gional idiosyncrasies and the distinctive mix of fungus-re-
            There is yet another part to the story of Indo-  sistant hybrid varieties has created some of the most
        nesian coffee, however. After more than a century   strongly recognizable coffee flavors in the world. Earthy,
        of dominance on the global stage, a major coffee leaf   herbal, and musty, Sumatran coffees are undeniably not for
        rust outbreak began in Ceylon in 1869  and spread   the faint of heart, and unsurprisingly retain a special place
        like wildfire throughout Asia and the Indian and   in the annals of specialty coffee history.
        Pacific ocean islands. For the first time in history,   The world of specialty coffee has expanded with an
        coffee production shifted nearly in its entirety to   uncommon rapidity in the early years of the 21st centu-
        the  Western  Hemisphere.  The  introduction  of  Ro-  ry. Yet the diversity and depth of the current industry
        busta  would  reinvigorate  the  Indonesian  coffee   is built on the backbone of origins like Harar and Suma-
        market, and eventually introduce the region to the   tra, their distinctive flavors that ignited curiosity and
        Robusta-Arabica Timor hybrid. Heirloom Typica,   their unique histories without which the world would
        except in the most remote, high elevation reaches of   likely be bereft of the beverage we love.
        Sumatra, would cease to exist in its entirety, replaced
        wholesale by resistant hybrids.

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