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I am still green. I am learning
and growing. It’s been only
8 years that I’ve been
working in coffee industry.
C atching up with old friends covered sports from foreign soccer
teams, golf, ice hockey to female bas-
is always nice, especially
Talking to one of the most
successful brand owners in when old friends are owners ketball in Korea. That is why, for BK,
South Korea, there is a lot to of a very successful coffee it would be very difficult to choose
learn from BK. brand and coming to visit you. This one sport over another: if he had to
time Fritz Coffee Company from Seoul pick one favourite team, it would be
came to Shanghai and we used the op- Arsenal FC from the English Premier
portunity to talk to the creator of the League. Inspired by the team and
brand, that is always the highlight of watching the games a lot, now BK
every coffee festival: perfect coffee and enjoys working out and playing soccer
bright design are what makes it to stand himself. “I personally liked watching
out. This time we wanted to know more sports. I gradually became more pas-
about the person behind, BK. sionate and wanted to become a part
Fritz Coffee Company was found- of the sports industry rather than just
ed in 2015 by a barista and a coffee watching them as a spectator. So, I
buyer, BK. He was born and raised in wanted to deliver the news to a larger
Chungju, North Chungcheong province, audience through writing. I very much
which is located 2 hours away from enjoyed working as a journalist.” As a
Seoul. BK moved to Seoul when he was sports journalist, BK learned to fact-
very young, so Seoul can be easily con- check, to validate or cross-check one
sidered his second hometown. Here issue from different point of views
young BK studied English literature and rather than listening to just one source
Journalism at college. of information and not to make biased
Shortly after college, he started judgements; he also came to understand-
working as a journalist at a weekly ing that numerous interpretations and
sports newspaper, where he mainly viewpoints can be imposed on one idea.