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ModbarA V
“Modbar AV is about simplifying the interaction between barista and customer, simplifying the experience
of making coffee, and simplifying technical needs, all while making it look beautiful.” – La Marzocco
Product Manager Scott Guglielmino, who helped bring the Modbar AV from an idea to a reality.
La Marzocco was an early investor in Modbar and ury product showrooms and boutique hotels to spa &
in 2016 it took a more active role, beginning to work fitness centers; from patisseries to the automotive. To
more actively together. Now all Modbar systems ensure the best performance regardless of the set-
shipped outside of North America are crafted in Italy, ting, Modbar offers a strong global service and
combining the reliability and performance of tried and maintenance network and comprehensive resources
true La Marzocco manufacturing with the eye-pleasing available at all times.
aesthetics and minimal design of Modbar. “It was re- Make sure to get a hands-on session of this fresh-
freshing to see the strength of this collaboration be- ly launched auto-volumetric espresso machine as
tween the people in Fort Wayne and La Marzocco here Modbar will be making a spotlight appearance during
in Scarperia, Italy. Bridging the language, culture gap international horeca trade-shows and coffee festivals
and combining the La Marzocco manufacturing exper- throughout the year, side by side its Florentine sis-
tise with the pioneering concept of Modbar- all while ter-company La Marzocco; and get ready to taste a
mixing our know-how to establish a collective in- variety of world-class drinks as the Modbar range
ter-disciplinary process to design a new product, continues to feature at the signature pop-up rotating
target new business channels and in the meantime roaster coffee shop format known as the True Artisan
enjoy the flourishing of friendships.” – La Marzocco Café. One of the most exciting benefits of this sleek
COO Roberto Bianchi. machine is the fact that you can create an ideal cafe
Neatly sliding the “brains” of an espresso machine workflow based on the creativity of the designer. You
under the counter, you’re left with a customer-orient- are able to create a series of espresso, steam and pour-
ed experience, effortlessly opening a dialogue with the over modules in a pattern that allows for the most
client and allowing you to have a great beverage in a efficient and engaging coffee presentation, adding
unique setting. Whether it’s a new exhibit at an art more with time if necessary. For example, the Pour-
museum or an installation at a designer show room, Over System allows for full control manual brewing of
the Modbar Espresso AV allows you to shift full atten- up to 25 different recipes, accessible at the touch of a
tion to people, treating them to an inspiring caffeinat- button. If you want to keep things classic and mirror
ed break. It is interesting to note though that the the traditional espresso machine, align the espresso
Modbar is being discovered more and more times by and steam modules, still showing a close-up view of
architects and is making up for a seamless centerpiece how the perfect cappuccino is made. Whatever cus-
for fine settings that go beyond the traditional café tomer experience you want to create, Modbar has a
environment: from architectural studios and art gal- module or set of modules for you.
leries to hip offices and co-working spaces; from lux-