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Even though Tee has been study- it to customers. Nonetheless, we will not
ing tea closely for years, he still consid- force it on customers who don’t want it.”
ers himself as a rookie who still needs to
learn the endless knowledge of tea. “We Tea Lovers’ Den
might know more than others in a topic, In addition to great atmosphere
but others might know something you and impressive teas, Peace - Oriental
have no idea about,” Tee said. For Tee, Teahouse is where tea lovers come to-
the most essential knowledge comes from gether. Surprisingly, these tea lovers are
self-experimentation since information new generations of tea lovers, and it’s quite
received from listening or reading from rare to find young men and women come
other sources can be distorted and we together for tea. “Our goal is to build a tea
cannot be sure if it’s reliable or not. culture for Thailand. What we get in return
is ‘happiness’. Imagine you love something
Simplifying Tea and you can inspire others to love the same
“Since tea has been around for 5,000 thing or understand your passion. That’s
years, brewing technique has long been happiness! And seeing others enjoying
perfected. Now we no longer argue about their tea makes me happier than drinking
brewing temperature or brewing method, it myself,” Tee said.
but we are looking at brewing materials that Most people think tea house cus-
yield different taste. Some teas require glass tomers are older generations, but Peace -
pot and some require porcelain pot. Now Oriental Teahouse actually attracts custom-
building the tea culture isn’t about how to ers in their 20s to 30s, with a lot of returning “ Seeing others enjoying their tea
brew better, but it’s about making it easier customers in their 30s. There is no specific makes me happier than drinking it
for the lifestyle and culture today,” Tee target age or group as Tee just want to open myself. ”
emphasized the importance of simplicity. a tea house for every tea lovers, and the
Tee personally selects all the tea result has been surprising with diversity
available in the shop based on his drinking of customers, especially young generations
experience. “The tea I choose must evoke with an open mind.
a good experience from inside. It must
inspire a better experience, if not a whole
new experience,” Tee explained his tea
selecting principle. Beside tea, it’s essential
not to overlook the importance of ‘water’.
According to Tee, different water can in-
fluence tea differently. The best water for
a given tea is the water from the origin of
the tea. Of course you can use any water to
brew tea, but the big difference is the taste.
The same tea brewed with different water
can result in one cup being sweet and the
other bland. Simply put, each tea has its
own soul mate. The Future of Tea
“Stories about tea and brewing “I believe tea industry will grow,
technique are endless. We are always trying but the question is ‘will it grow as much
to explain and introduce tea knowledge to as I expect?’ I love to see more quality tea,
customers who want to learn. It’s the task of but what I hate to see is people using ‘tea’
‘Tea Masters’ because they are the experts and ‘the benefits of tea’ to advertise their
in tea character and they can communicate poor quality teas which are also bad for
the health. Doing so will destroy the tea
industry and lead to misunderstandings,”
Tee left his concern.
The role of Peace - Oriental Teahouse
can be compared to indy cafes years ago
when coffee was new to the people. Now
indy cafes and coffee are a part of the life-
style, and that’s what Tee is working hard
towards for the future of tea culture.
Special Thanks
Teerachai Limpaitoon
Peace - Oriental Teahouse
70/5 Sukhumvit 63 (Eakamai), Kwang
Pra-Kanong Neur, Khet Wattana,
Bangkok 10110