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Being a tea buyer for seventeen years has   and myself, many children get to speak in   holders (small plots owned by independent
          provided me with many insights into tea.   front of a full crowd. Education is what   tea farmers). The government structured
          The connection to the estate worker and   ensures that the children grow into adults   policies mandates that all tea factories
          me has been what drives me to make sure   that can become part of the economy and   purchasing fresh tea leaves from these
          that my purchases continue to benefit the   help with overall sustainability. Without   co-op tea farmers must pay a minimum of
          workers.                           education these children will become a   68 percent of the tea factory’s NSA. This
               When you talk with the estate   future drain on the whole. I have met many   is the Net Sale Average of that particular
          owner you can see that he or she cares for   estate workers who grew up on the estate   factory in that region in the Colombo Tea
          the well-being of their workers. Some of   and now are in management positions on   Auction. These NSA figures are published
          the well-structured healthcare programs   the estate.                  by the Sri Lanka Tea Board and made avail-
          at Sri Lankan tea estates provide workers      Every tea estate worker’s child   able as public knowledge, so all small tea
          with anything from prenatal vitamins to   is required by the government to attend   farmers are tea industry governing bodies
          treating small injuries, all free of charge.   school and child labor is prohibited with-in   are aware of each factories NSA. Thus,
          For more complicated healthcare needs,   Sri Lankan tea-plantation companies. Sri   68 percent of the NSA given to small tea
          Sri Lanka’s government provides hospital   Lanka’s well-structured education system   farmers for fresh tea leaves fully protects
          and emergency services as well.    and its mandatory schooling requirements   the small tea farmers’ income.
                                             substantially improve the social sustain-     Social sustainability starts with
          Social Sustainability: Education   ability of the tea estate workers and their   social responsibility—from seed to cup.
               Sri Lanka has one of the highest   children. This provides the children of   This means consumers paying a fair price
          literacy rates in Southeast Asia, which   tea estate workers the most achievement,   per pound of tea as well. Full transparency
          is about 90 percent as an average. This   which is a choice in life and their future.   so the grower can be rewarded for what
          education structure is also available for                              pro-grams he or she has implemented for
          Sri Lankan tea estate workers as well with   Social Sustainability: Wages   their workers. Sri Lanka has incorporated
          large scale tea plantation companies. There      Sri Lanka has the world’s highest   both private sector and government to
          are schools within the tea estates premises   wages for tea estate workers that are infla-  ensure that the process is quality driven
          or within a near proximity. I have visited   tion adjusted and government mandated.   and pro-vides full traceability. Without
          many schools on the tea estates in Sri Lanka   This being in place safeguards the basic   quality social sustainability in place, eco-
          and I have always been very impressed. In   necessities for a tea estate worker. These   nomic and environmental are sure to fail.
          fact, so much so that I have been a part of   man-dated wages are arrived through col-  When I sip this liquid gold from Sri Lanka
          many school openings and have helped   lective bargaining from multiple unions   I feel satisfied that the future continues to
          with ensuring that school supplies are   that protect the wages of tea estate work-  look bright and the future of the tea estate
          available. So what does this have to do   ers. Sri Lankan tea estate workers make   worker is in good hands.
          with tea? Everything!              approximately double the income on aver-     David DeCandia is director of tea at
               The children know why I am visit-  age, compared with tea estate workers in   Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf; Los Angeles, Calif.,
          ing their schools and have shared their   many other tea-producing countries. Also,   and the first Ceylon Tea Ambassador to
          projects with me many times. They know   the amount of tea leaves a worker needs to   North America appointed by the Sri Lanka
          that I am there to buy the tea that their   pluck daily is substantially low compared   Tea Board As Tea Ambassador, DeCandia
          parents are carefully producing. I am well   with other tea origins. This directly affects   will host and conduct tea programs with
          aware that not every buyer gets to visit   worker well-being. So even though wages   the Specialty Tea Institute in the U.S. and
          origin. I have always felt that in order the   are higher in Sri Lanka compared with   Canada to educate tea drinkers on the his-
          get full transparency you must visit the tea   other origins, the country provides a sus-  tory sustainable practices and culture of Sri
          estates. This is also important in develop-  tainable living wage for tea-estate workers,   Lanka’s signature export. With CB&TL, his
          ing the relationship between buyer and   providing true social sustainability to the   position entails everything from sourcing
          grower. The teachers speak good English as   overall industry.         and purchasing tea directly from estates
          well as the principal and most of the kids.      In addition to mandatory wages for   to creating the company’s tea blends.
          When we open a new school or upgrade   tea-estate workers, Sri Lanka also has well   DeCandia may be reached at ddecandia@
          an older school with the help of the grower   -structured green leaf prices for tea small-

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