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Cover Story
in 2003. Its objectives are education and consulting are served with fresh bread and organic butter. They have
business that concentrates on coffee and all the related also worked closely in collaboration with Michelin-starred
aspects of running a coffee business. CCA is owned by restaurants to develop great coffee for them. Not only they
Kontra Coffee and it provides trainings, consultancy, have worked with the fancy restaurant, but also, worked
and researchers in coffee-related areas. They also offer on coffee beers with Mikkeller, Nørrebro Bryghus and Evil
professional facilities including Probat 3 pipe gas sample Twin, coffee desserts with Relæ and coffee caramels with
roaster, cupping room, and training room for brewing Karamelleriet.
coffee. “Education is important for everyone to get the
most out of our fresh roasted coffee. We believe that the
quality of our coffee must follow into the cup. Therefore, World Barista Champion 2004 (Trieste, Italy)
we offer these courses” Their courses are available in both World Cup Tasters Champion 2005 (Washington, USA)
private and company courses. Tim Wendelboe, Norway,
Tim Wendelboe & Nordic Approach
World Barista Champion 2006 (Bern, Switzerland)
Klaus Thomsen, Denmark
Coffee Collective (
A famous 2004 World Barista Champion and
2005 World Cup Tasters Champion is known for his high
standards and a roaster, he has opened up a café and a
Klaus Thomsen,Winner of the World Barista roastery named after himself “Tim Wendelboe” where
Championship in 2006, and a co-founder of Coffee Col- he also built the shop himself. Tim Wendelboe won the
lective, ones of the well-known coffee place in the Danish Nordic roaster competition in 2008, 2009 and 2010 and
Capital, Copenhagen. Founded by four friends with vari- was awarded the Allegra European Coffee Shop Award
ous backgrounds—a water resource management expert for ‘Outstanding Contribution to the European Coffee
(Peter Nørregaard-Dupont), an architect-turned-barista Industry’ in 2011 and the Allegra European Coffee Shop
(Linus Castanho-Törsäter), a World Cup Tasting Champion Award for “Best Coffee Roaster - Europe 2013”. Tim has
(Casper Engel Rasmussen) and a World Barista Champion also published the book “Coffee with Tim Wendelboe”.
(Klaus Thomsen)—the Coffee Collective truly functions At his coffee shop, he first wanted it to be his second
as a collective, with each of its owners bringing a unique home, and was planning to spend a lot of time there. The
skill to the table. design of the shop has been inspired by the midcentury
What is more impressive is: Coffee Collective runs Scandinavian design, giving the place a modern feel of
only on wind power! Yes! Denmark and wind power! As the old era. His furnitures from flea markets along with
explained by Klaus, “Forty percent of the CO2 emissions the old wooden floors, and brick walls making it turned
in the production cycle of a cup of coffee all the way from out as a nice vintage rustic kind of feel. During summer,
plant to cup come from heating water for brewing. So by their best seller is the “TW Cappuccino al Freddo,” which
switching to wind power we could cut 40 percent of the is a cold, foamy cappuccino served in a martini glass. It is
CO2 emissions from our coffee.” Their shops now run 100 made in an old milkshake machine and the drink is just
percent on powers from windmills. super-creamy and delicious.
Coffee Collective is a coffee roastery with three He is also a co-founder of the famous Nordic Ap-
coffee shops and coffee training school. As for their coffee, proach. Nordic Approach is a coffee sourcing company
Coffee Collective said, “We strive to show distinctive, focusing solely on high quality green beans. They try their
characteristic coffees that complete all corners of the best by working closely with the farm to identify, improve,
flavor universe in coffee. Direct Trade, full traceability, select, and import the best coffees. Here, Tim spends a
fresh harvests, single lots - all of them with fantastic flavors lot of time working in order to help the coffee producers
in common.” Not only they serve great Nordic lighter develop their coffee quality. On his journeys he also helps
roasting coffee but also, food! They are well-known for out with sourcing for Nordic Approach and he assists with
their great pairing of food and drinks. All of their parings cuppings and selecting coffees.