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P. 69
Spice Gelato
Most people associates spices
with savoury food only. Spices can be
used as food and medicine, and today
they are also used in desserts. “Chinese
has always been using spices in their
desserts before Europeans adapt the
idea to their own desserts. I have been
in the industry for a long time and it’s
about time we fuse our spices to western
dessert like gelato, and it has to please the
people’s palate as well.”
Personally, Wipaporn is an ice-
cream lover herself. She tried spice infused
ice-cream across the world, but they didn’t
really catch the essence of the spices. So
she set out to create her own ice-cream Compete to Improve
that is flavorful and, at the same time, “Thailand’s ice-cream industry is
affordable! very active and competitive. Competition
“Our spice gelato is the result is normal in the business world, and it’s
of extensive research and training. We normal for each brand to have their own
learnt from our Italian friends, took basic vision and position. Competition will
ice-cream courses, and read tremendous attract more customers, both Thai and
amount of books. We tried making ordi- foreigner, as it offers more option. The
nary ice-cream and carefully added dif- industry will continue to grow, and the
ferent spices until we get the right recipe. more competitive it is, the clearer we see
Our experience guided us on the gelato the market grows,” Wipaporn shared her
and spice combination, and the taste Thai perspective.
people prefers. After the recipes were in-
vented, how we present them to custom-
ers is up to us,” Wipaporn said.
The sweetness is kept at mini-
mum to allow the spices to play center-
stage. They are a perfect dessert for ev-
eryone as no artificial additives are added
and each flavour is naturally colored by
their respective ingredient. Currently,
there are 18 flavors to choose from, in-
cluding the best selling Chocolate Black
Pepper, White Choc Pepper, and Lemon- Special Thank
grass Sherbet. Wipapon Limprana