Page 67 - #49 English
P. 67
A Small Community
Mitramit Teahouse is a part of
The Art and Cultural Institute for Devel-
opment (MAYA) as Chaiwat Lohchoti-
nun, one of the owners, explained; “Our
organization takes proactive approach to
help develop children and youth. As for
tea, it has been the culture of our orga-
nization for more than 10 years. It began
when Santi Chittrajinda, the Art Director,
brought a western tea to a meeting. He
then began to bring different type of tea
to every meeting. Every meeting comes
with tea, and we eventually decided to
get together for tea every day at 5 PM.
Our favourite tea is Chinese tea which we
would have with desserts from famous
shops around the city.” With less provin-
cial job, the owners had more time for
other activities and they decided to open
the teahouse for friends to get together.
Western Style Chinese Tea “ Time slows down for you to be
Brewed with a well-balanced
tea-water ratio and brew time, the tea with yourself when you drink tea.
served at the teahouse is the same Chi- It creates a peaceful, tranquil
nese tea Chaiwat and friends have been
drinking all the time, but it is served in moment from all the hustle
western presentation and comes with bustle around us ”
Thai dessert.
“We traveled to China to try
varieties of tea in different teahouses, Growing Tea Trend
and we were impressed by a popular Tai- “Thai tea is already on the world
wanese tea brand which served Chinese stage. Young blood of tea producers and
tea in western teapot and cups. We took manufacturers in Thailand are stepping
the concept and applied it to our teahouse up to fill their parents’ shoes. They push
because we only have a few staff. If we are the development of product and packag-
to serve small pot with brewing demon- ing to reach more consumers. The rising
stration, we would need more staff. The tea trend also inspires more teahouses
concept helps manage a better operation like ours to open,” Chaiwat believes in
and let customers enjoy a big full pot of the future of the tea industry. Tea drink-
tea,” Chaiwat said. ing and spending time in teahouses is
Originally, Chaiwat would per- an upcoming trend. The era when tea
sonally travel to tea markets around China was believed to be bad because it causes
and taste the tea himself before decided insomnia or constipation is over because
which tea to sell at the teahouse. Now he to young customers. Not only locals are today many institutes have scientifically
visits tea-related expos, particularly expos interested in our teahouse, tourists from proven the benefits of tea if drunk in an
in Guangzhou, to find the best tea for the Eastern Europe, France, Germany, Korea, appropriate amount. It’s just up to you to
teahouse. and Japan also our customers. However, choose your favourite tea!
we don’t have many Chinese tourists
Target Customer because they usually stick together in
“The teahouse attracts 2 groups large group and don’t come around here.
of customer. The first group is tea enthu- Waking up the Senses
siast who loves to try new teas or teas “Beside medical benefits, tea
they have tried from different teahouse gently wakes all your senses. It starts from
and want to compare with ours. Teas with seeing the tea set and the colour of tea.
the same name can vary in character if Then we softly inhale the sweet aroma and
you buy it from different origin or time. take a sip to feel the heat in our mouth and
The second group is the people who seek the taste on our palates. Time slows down
a place to relax, read a book, or hang out for you to be with yourself when you
with friends. They love the atmosphere drink tea. It creates a peaceful, tranquil
and they get excited to experience new moment from all the hustle bustle around
tea or even Thai dessert. It also opens up us.” If you take some time to observe, Special Thanks
an opportunity to introduce Thai desserts you’ll notice the aesthetic of tea time. Chaiwat Lohchotinun