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Cover Story
In short, what special about cafés in Melbourne I learnt from Australia and set up a weekly work schedule
is their professionalism. Every cup is paid attention to instead of the usual monthly work schedule. The new
before it reaches the customer, and even though the cafés system worked fantastically because it is more flexible
look similar, they are unique. Another thing they have in and motivated the staffs to work more.”
common is the friendliness. Although flat white is not a common menu
“Compared to Taiwan where coffee is a luxury in Taiwan, Luna added into her menu to let customer
lifestyle, coffee is a necessity in Australian’s everyday life. experience how milk foam can affect the taste of coffee.
Taiwanese would go to a specialty coffee café in an after- “Another valuable lesson I learnt from Australia is to
noon to relax while office workers would get their caffeine respect everything about coffee. Beside respecting the
kick from cheap convenient store coffee,” Luna said. technique, it’s important to have respect between barista
and customer.” It’s certain that customers would expect
Inspiration from Australia great coffee from a barista from Australia, and Luna
“After leaving Australia, I had a chance to work never let any of them down.
as a manager in a roaster in Shanghai. I applied the system
Wu Zhao Tin (Taiwan)
Barista at Cote Terra, Australia
Wu Zhao Tin has a chemical engineering back-
ground, but he took a different path as soon as he gradu-
ated. He took a job at the beverage station in a restaurant
where he learnt to do all kind of coffee from some of the
legendary baristas and truly got to experience Australian
coffee culture.
“My interest in coffee began when I graduated
and had a chance to work on an espresso machine at a
restaurant. I started to watch latte art and espresso tech-
nique videos. The art of coffee just keep getting more
interesting, and I decided to seriously take the barista
career ever since,” Wu Zhao Tin said.
The Spirit of Coffee
A strong point about Australian coffee culture,
from Wu Zhao Tin’s perspective, is the fact that almost
everyone know their coffee. Barista is also a career
which has value and spirit, not just a
part-time job to earn some bucks. Ev- With attention to detail,
ery little aspect and every effort put excellent barista skill, and sin-
into the industry are great inspirations cere service, Australian coffee
for others. culture charms and inspires the
“Interactions between a barista people who have a chance to
and a customer in Australia are differ- experience it. Using Australia
ent from Taiwan. In Taiwan, we have as a role model, the commit-
good baristas brewing good coffee, full ment in high quality standard is
stop. In contrary, baristas in Australia passed on to other country by
serve good coffee and they are willing a group of people who brought
to spend time to share the knowledge with customers. back with them the passion, talent, and knowledge to
They serve more than just a coffee. It’s the passion and show their homefolks what Australian coffee culture is
experience of the barista that are passed along with all about.
the cup. That’s what I see when I walk into a café in
Special Thanks
Inspiration from Australia Ryan Tan
Having lived in Australia and experienced their Hendri Kurniawan
coffee culture, Wu Zhao Tin is inspired to share his pas- Jibbi Rawirat Techasitthanet
sion in coffee with the world. “I am ready to share the Arnon Thitiprasert
coffee culture because I believe a good coffee will always Hyun-suk Harry Go
bring smile to anyone who tries it. Even though it’s a James Ooi ( Instagram : @Jamesies )
western culture, I hope to use what I know to create a Luna Huang Xiao Dan
unique Taiwanese coffee culture.” Wu Zhao Tin