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time Canadian National Barista Cham-
          pion). Since his days at Caffè Artigiano,
          which he helped to found in 2000, Sammy
          has been known for his unwavering pas-
          sion for both coffee and customer service.
          His ability to remember faces and drink
          preferences, while understated and likely
          unnoticed by those who chance upon his
          café, are fully appreciated by his regulars
          in the neighborhood.
                 Customer service in the specialty
          coffee industry has a bad reputation for
          being another way to say, “how to edu-
          cate the customer.” While educating the
          customer in and of itself is not a bad idea,                           Though not a fish traditionally used in raw
          there are too many instances where we as                               preparation in Japan, British Columbia’s
          frontline staff in a customer service envi-                            Sockeye Salmon is a rare local treat to enjoy
          ronment place more importance on what                                  as sashimi (and Ajisai is hands-down the
          we want to say versus what the customer                                best place to try it).
          wants to hear. Sammy Piccolo’s brand of   An iconic sign in the downtown east side.
          customer service is refreshing for me, as                              mature and refined also remains slightly
          he always knows innately how to strike                                 playful and immediately accessible. The
          a balance between making the customer                                  use of texture and interesting finishes also
          feel cared for as an individual, while be-                             adds complexity and depth to the design;
          ing on-point about what’s different in the                             for instance the black-faced timber is not
          seasonal coffees that he serves and how                                painted but rather charred with a flame
          the preparation methods dictate the qual-                              until black for effect (a playful note to
          ity and consistency of the cup. It always                              their name, perhaps). The retail bags of
          impresses me when baristas can deliver
                                                                                 coffee youthfully portray line drawings
                                                                                 that are contributed by local artists in the
                                                                                 community, with each blend or origin
                                                                                 getting a different sketch. The coffees
                                                                                 themselves are roasted in-store on a Gie-
                                                                                 sen Roaster at the Fraser Street location,
                                                                                 and they are delicious (as are the pastries,
                                                                                 which are baked on-site using organic and
                                                                                 ethically-sourced ingredients from local
                                                                                        Besides coffee, there are many
          A sea of seafoam green porcelain cups ready                            other worthwhile experiences to be found
          for service at Prado Gastown.      Sidewalks are where local culture grows.    in Vancouver. In no particular order,
                                             Gastown in Vancouver.               some of my favorite places to eat and
                                                                                 drink include: Lee’s Donuts at the Gran-
                                             coffee information without sounding con-  ville Island Public Market, Ask for Luigi
                                             descending, but with a genuine passion   (Italian family style cuisine), Beta5 Choc-
                                             and a completely natural delivery to the   olates, Meat and Bread, 33 Acres Brewing
                                             customer.                           Co., Phnom Penh (Cambodian and Viet-
                                                    Another coffee experience well   namese cuisine), and Ajisai Sushi Bar. I
                                             worth searching out is at Matchstick Cof-  hope you make Vancouver one of your
                                             fee Roasters. It is a beautiful experience   new travel habits soon. And welcome to
                                             from the moment you step through the   my hometown.
                                             door. Each of the two locations has its own
                                             nuance, but the overall aesthetic is clean,
                                             modern Scandinavian, with an eclectic   Bio: I’m a barista, a former national
                                             selection of decorative pieces which make   barista champion, and a certified judge
                                             a coffee break an experience for your eyes   for coffee competitions since 2009. I
                                             as much as it is for your nose and mouth.   work as Head of Coffee Development
                                             The industrial design is both beautiful and   at Pacific Coffee Company in Hong
                                             practical, and the overall branding as well   Kong, and volunteer for World Coffee
                                             is purposeful.                       Events, serving as 2015 Advisory Board
                                                    Matchstick’s commitment to    Chair. Coffee has allowed me to travel
          Local favorite Forty-Ninth Parallel Coffee   craft and to community is paralleled by   over 120,000 miles last year; this is life
          is served here.                    their evocative design, which while being                  through my lens.
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